Are you making this common mistake? Many coaches and course creators create a lead magnet to build their list, but the lead magnet has nothing to do with their offer. So, you may be building a list, but is it a list of potential buyers for your upcoming offer? Listen here to find effective ways to create demand and desire for your offer.

Jeffrey: Welcome to the light in your launch podcast today, we're talking about the reason your lead magnet. Isn't bringing in the right clients. So stay tuned.

Announcer: Hey, we're in the Launch Squad and this is the Light Your Launch podcast. We teach coaches and course creators how to lighten their launches. We're bringing you all of the tips and strategies to take your launch from intimidating to money-making. In this podcast, we talk about everything; the sales, strategy, mindset, technical and spiritual aspects of running your best launch ever. So if you're feeling overwhelmed and unsure of the next right step, we're here to bring clarity, confidence, and excitement into your next launch. This is the Light Your Launch podcast.

Jeffrey: Welcome back to the show. I am Jeffrey. [inaudible] the funnel master of the squad. And I'm back again with Katie Collins. And today we want to talk about how to create demand and desire for your offer. Using a strong lead magnet that attracts the right buyers. The mistake most coaches and course creators make is they create their lead magnet to build their list. But the lead magnet has nothing to do with their offer. So they may be building a list, but is it the potential buyers that they're looking for? Probably not. Katie, what do you think about that?

Katie: Right. So I think our people really get mixed up is they forget that there's the concept of backwards mapping. So that's something we always would say in the world of teachers as well. It's knowing the, you know, where we want to take our people and then asking ourselves, how are we going to get them there? And so we need to backwards map from the transformation that we're intending on, teaching them, you know, what is the pathway to get them there. And that is essentially the vehicle of your marketing. And so this is where people get messed up to create a hot, free gift that serves as the perfect lead magnet for your offer. You need to make sure that you start with the offer in mind. So too many people create the free gift first. And the thing is, you're going to have lots of free gifts.

Katie: So don't get stuck on having just one, right? Just because you created one doesn't mean it's the right one to lead people to the offer, to create that demand and desire. So in order to create that hot, free gift that does serve as a perfect lead magnet, we have four steps that we want to share with you today. So the first step is you want to identify the bridge that stands between where they are now versus where they want to be. And that's where the transformation lies. So for you as the expert, you need to start with the end in mind, how can they get there from here? What do they need now, if you're having trouble,

Jeffrey: Figuring out what your vehicle is, try this. If you just imagine for a second that you're talking to your ideal client and you were to say something like, listen, just do this thing and you'll get the transformation you're looking for. You'll get those results. Now, whatever that thing is, is likely your vehicle.

Katie: And so that said, when you think about what they're looking for, what do they need to do? What results are they looking for in the step two of creating that hot lead magnet. You want to make sure that you're speaking to an external struggle or desire.

Jeffrey: Now, Katie, why are we focusing on the external struggles? There's there's internal struggles and external struggles and external struggles are what we can observe. And internal is what their emotions are. Why would we stick with the external?

Katie: You know, the tricky thing with the emotions is that we can always choose to feel a different way. So people don't want to spend thousands of dollars to feel happier. Like you can choose to feel happier in this moment if you want, but when they have an, a concrete problem that they can't get solved, that's that external struggle that they're just more attracted to. It's something that they're willing to spend money on. And so we always want to lead with that external knowing that we'll deal with the internal in the program, we just don't lead with it.

Jeffrey: Mm mm. So good.

Katie: So the third step in creating that hot lead magnet is to actually write the marketing for the free gift before you actually create the free gift, which again feels counter-intuitive. But ideally your marketing includes the title of your free gift and the headline. And then you're able to pull people. These are my four ideas for a free gift. What do you think is, is a good one, right? So that's why you want to create the marketing first and discover what is your audience most interested in? Then you create the free gift that was the most popular.

Jeffrey: And so here's some, here's some, uh, titles and some, and some examples, uh, if you're getting stuck, uh, so your, your title needs to speak to the outcome. It's gotta be specific and it needs to be different. So here's a few examples how to conduct market research without an existing audience or how to conduct market research without actually talking to anyone. So these are specific and different because most people believe you need a large audience to conduct market research. And although it's not as effective, you can actually do some research without speaking to anyone.

Katie: Right? And from one of my favorite copy resources called how to write copy that sells Ray Edwards says your headline is the ad for the rest of the ad. So when you think about your free gift and the landing page, you're going to have the title and you'll have a headline for the headline. You want to call out your client avatar. And again, you've got to speak about the outcome they desire. And so you'll use words like so that, and without, and you need to be very specific. And so we've got a couple of formulas here that can help you coaches discover how to insert what you teach, so you can insert the benefit without, and you insert your objection. So it could be coaches discover how to launch your course. So you can finally create the income you deserve without spending years building it. Another formula is finally colon a proven way to actually blank without blank. So as an example, finally, a proven way to actually launch your program without feeling overwhelmed and burnt out

Jeffrey: Now to tie this all together, how do we, how do we bring this together with your offer? How do the offer and the lead magnet come together? How are they related? So your lead magnet makes the case for your vehicle and your offer shows people how to use the vehicle. Now, if you think about this, this could be a program, a framework, a software, uh, pretty much anything. But as we go back to that vehicle idea, we're looking at what does that one thing that they can do that will deliver the results, right? And if you can convince them that this one thing is what gets them there. Their natural question is, well, okay, how do I use that one thing, right? How do I do the program? How do I, uh, you know, use the framework or you use the software or whatever it is, right? So here's some homework for you. If you're one of those coaches, who's asking how to get my offer in front of the right people, take a look at the free gift you currently have and ask yourself, does this create demand and desire for my offer? If not, it's time to create a new gift that does. We're also looking at to see if it makes a case for your vehicle.

Katie: And just remember, I wanted to say one more thing, just remember that, you know, you're going to have more than one lead magnet. And so it's not that the current lead magnet you have, isn't a good one. It's probably awesome. Just know that that's going to lead to maybe a different offer, but I've found that the bigger, my folder of free gifts was the better. I felt about being able to serve people and network and just share my goodies. Right. But I had the boundary around what I knew I was willing to give away for free and what I knew I'd keep in my program. So don't be afraid to create lots of free gifts and you don't need to make them pretty until you're going to put them out there. But you can just simply answer someone's question in a Facebook group and create a free gift based on that. So don't get wrapped up in, in having it too, you know, having thinking it has to be all perfect. Um, in order to say, I have a free gift. And then my last tip I wanted to say was, make sure you check out creative market. If you want to make your free gift. Pretty, that is a way that's cost effective. Where if you cannot afford to have a graphic designer on your team, you could simply buy a template for 20 or $30 and make your lead magnet look hot. So go check that out.

Jeffrey: So good. This is kind of a shorter episode here. That's a little tip to get you started. Um, if you, uh, if you like this episode, please leave us a five-star review and subs hit that subscribe button. Then you can check out some show notes at the launch squad, forward slash episode 16. All right, we'll see you next time.

Announcer: Hey, thanks for listening. If you'd like to have clarity, confidence and excitement around your next launch, join us in the Lighten Your Launch Facebook group today at We also invite you to download our free gift, the Lighten Your Launch starter kit, the free guide to creating an irresistible offer, pricing it right, overcoming tech barriers, and tapping into the energy you need for success. Get it now at

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About the Show

The Lighten Your Launch Podcast is for Coaches and Course Creators who want a lighter online launch experience. Maybe you’ve done a few launches already, and feel exhausted just thinking about it! Or, it’s been one of your goals, but you don’t know where to start.

Tune in to learn from our team of experts, The Launch Squad, who aren’t afraid to dig into all aspects of launching: sales, strategy, technology, mindset, funnels, and even a bit of woo to get you through the toughest times. Let’s put a stop to perfectionism and procrastination, and finally take your launch from intimidating to money-making!