Our guest today​​ is a Trusted Advisor To Creative Age Leaders, an Internationally Recognized Speaker, a #1 New Release Author, a Juried Artist, a 5X Award-Winning Executive Producer & Podcast Host, and a Master Life & Business Alchemist

[00:00:00] Jeffrey: Welcome to the light in your launch podcast today, we're talking about turning presentation opportunities into money, making opportunities. Stay tuned.

[00:00:57] Jeffrey: Welcome back to the show. I'm Jeffrey Soran. I'm here again with. Guess who Katie

[00:01:04] Katie: Collins.

[00:01:05] Jeffrey: today, we're talking about the three things you need to focus on when you're giving a presentation. Katie, who are we speaking with today?

[00:01:16] Katie: Our guest today is a trusted advisor to creative age leaders, an internationally recognized speaker, a number one new release author, a juried artist, a five times award-winning executive producer and podcast host and a master life and business Alchemist. As an online and offline speaker, she's presented nearly 1000 times in 13 years and shared both live and virtual stages with luminaries like Jack Canfield of chicken soup for the soul.

John Asaf, a star in the blockbuster movie, the secret and New York times bestselling authors like SAR and Maryanne Williamson she's appeared multiple times in major. She is the creator of the five figure payday presenter and podcaster formula, and author of the number one new release in three categories.

Book, be heard by millions and live your destiny. Her firm is hired by visionary leaders all around the world who want to make more impact in money as empowered messengers and agents of global change. Welcome to the lighten, your launch podcast. Stage angel B har.

[00:02:27] Anjel: Whoa. I'm

[00:02:28] Katie: Woohoo.

[00:02:29] Anjel: to be here. Thank you for having me. It's always fun to, to listen to somebody say you're bio and them. I'm like, okay. Yep. I put my pants on the same way. Everyone else does one leg at a time. So let's keep it real people.

[00:02:48] Katie: awesome. Well, we're a psyched to talk to you today. I know, um, you know, you were a guest on our summit and we got to talk about some wealth related topics, um, with you there, but obviously you're multifaceted. Woman and advisor. And so today we're gonna really talk about presenting and speaking and you know, what are the ways that people can capitalize on these opportunities?

Um, so let's start with what are different ways that people can get in front of the right audience? Like what are all the different ways that people can speak?

[00:03:23] Anjel: Well, so there are so many ways that you would not even realize there are many, many, many ways that you don't even know are possible. And I will tell a quick story about how when I first got started in speaking, uh, after a 20 year career in real estate, where I was managing a hundred million dollars in rev, um, in real estate assets, and I had this spiritual awakening and it was like, you gotta leave real estate.

as a result of that I was called to speak. And so I didn't know really much about speaking other than, you know, you get on a microphone and you start talking. Right. Um, and so one of the first things I did was I made an investment. And I made this investment to go to this event called speak and succeed, which you would think would teach you all.

You need to know about speaking And it was probably about a $5,000 investment. This was back in 2008, the people who ran it were phenomenal people and they gave us every possible thing that you could imagine. I came home with a four inch thick binder and immediately threw it in the trash. because, well, and I'll tell you why, because, um, a couple reasons, number one, I was actually getting ready for my second divorce and my kiddo was going into puberty.

So I knew I needed to be at home for him. two, their business model, which is a speaking business model was the college circuit. So it was very specific to the college circuit and it's its own business model and it required 265 out of 365 days a year on the road. That was not gonna happen for me.

I knew that even though I knew I was supposed to speak, I also knew I was supposed to be home with my kiddo. And that was what got me started in virtual speaking. Which back in 2008, 2009, we literally used a telephone to do virtual speaking, and it was way before it was cool and popular when Corona made it now cool and popular.

But it's what my basically, it's the story that I tell in my book, be heard by millions and live your destiny. I've leveraged the power of virtual speaking, which is any kind of speaking you can do. Without panty hos without makeup, without getting into the car and driving to the rubber chicken luncheon without getting on an airplane without hair and makeup for even video.

Right. It's virtual speaking for me is almost pure audio and podcasting is one of the places where you can do that. Now we have social audio with clubhouse. You know, now the, the ability to speak and get yourself out there. There are so many choices. Like when I first got started, there were, you know, beyond the road, 265 out of 365 days a year, or try this thing that nobody's doing virtual speaking, right?

With your phone in the backyard, in your bikini, which is pretty much how I generated multiple millions of dollars from home while I was also the mom baking all the brownies for every football.

[00:06:39] Jeffrey: nice. I love that. Back when phones were actually used for phone calls,

[00:06:46] Katie: You know, it's funny though. I, um, I just, we were talking earlier how I moved offices out of my home and into an office in town. And it forced me to go through papers that I had moved six years ago and put on a shelf. And they mattered six years ago, which is why I'm paid to move them. Um, and now here we are six years later and I'm looking and I'm, I'm thinking, I don't think I need any of this stuff.

I mean, it's old and it's also for like new entrepreneurs. I'm no longer new. Right. And then sometimes I'd open it up. And then if I would see any mention of tele seminar, I was like, well, that dates it right there. so just throw that all in the recycle bin, you know, nobody does tele seminars anywhere. I,

[00:07:29] Anjel: Well, that that's actually not true. That is actually not true. Katie. In fact, when I was doing the same kind of thing, where I was going through my stuff, when I recently moved, I actually reconnected into this, the tele seminar space. There is still. um, places where people are hosting regular consistent tele seminars, like how to turn your lawnmower into a $3,000 a month landscaping business, right.

That they just run on this tele seminar platform again and again and again and again, in an evergreen format. So yeah, tele seminars

are still being done.

[00:08:12] Jeffrey: Wow. Wow.

[00:08:15] Katie: Yeah. Yeah. um, alright, so we've got podcasts, we've got virtual stages. Apparently we

[00:08:25] Anjel: Yeah. Radio shows. We have radio shows. So I got I, my first, um, radio show I did on blog talk radio back in 2009 and into 10, I did 18 months of doing my first radio show. and I mean that audio's still out there on blog talk radio from long time ago and blog talk radio is still a very robust, um, there's voice America radio, which is a pretty hefty investment to be on that.

But there are also radio networks. One of the things I used to speak on years ago was news for the soul. It's a radio network and she has a lineup of get, you know, people who have their own shows on her network. So. There's an enormous amount of places where you can speak and where, um, you know, every day there there's new ones, right?

So clubhouse came on the scene in 2020. That whole, uh, thing took off. And now there's fireside and there's green room on Spotify and there's a thing called wise the wise app. And I'm a top mentor on that. And there's a, the, a new app called owl, which you can go on and get paid five, $5 for 10 minutes of your time.

Like there's so many different ways. It's actually. one of the things I really wanna say is yes, we're gonna list a lot of different ways that you can speak, not even counting, doing Facebook lives or live streams on LinkedIn or, you know, any of those things. I, I think the thing I wanna really get across is like, do not overwhelm yourself, pick one or two, or at most

[00:10:05] Katie: I went

[00:10:07] Anjel: three consistently, you know, places where you're gonna show up,

[00:10:14] Jeffrey: What would you say your three favorite are?

[00:10:18] Anjel: I like clubhouse a lot. I've enjoyed clubhouse a lot. I've generated multiple thousands of dollars on, you know, well over six figures on clubhouse. Um, but you've gotta be clear. You, you know, that's one of the things you've gotta be, uh, concentrating on when you have time at the mic is you've gotta be clear about what your intention is, what your objective is and what your audience is and what.

Parameters are. So one of the things on clubhouse was I also was, uh, part of club pod, which was somebody else's club. So if you're gonna speak in somebody else's club, you gotta follow their rules. Right. And so maybe you can't do direct selling from their club, but you can do direct selling if you're doing a room of your own, or if you start a club of your own.

For me, I really enjoyed clubhouse. I have my own podcast, you know, five time award-winning podcast. So that's another place where I speak. And, and that to me is a leg up yoga move. As one of my old mentors used to say, meaning it's a, an advanced move to have a podcast. If you're just getting started in the speaking space.

I mean, I spent 10 years speaking before I started my first podcast. So I knew what I was doing. When I started my podcast and my pod podcast serves my business. My podcast is not a vanity project. It is to serve my business. And I know when I'm showing up on other people's podcasts, I have systems in place that are intended to generate income, to generate revenue, to be attracting clients, to be bringing in prospects who are the right fit people to work with me.

So, um, If you're just getting started speaking, or even if you're, if you've been speaking five or six years, and you're thinking about a podcast, you definitely wanna be on several before you jump into that and you want to, um, probably get help, you know, invest in help to do it correctly so that it becomes a results oriented experience.

So club. My podcast. And then I, because I've been doing this for so long, I will often speak on other people's summits like I did with your summit and other people's podcasts. And, and that that's three places. That's enough.

[00:12:40] Jeffrey: Yeah. Yeah. I love that. Now let's shift to, uh, let let's say we've, we've chosen one and maybe it's podcasting or, or clubhouse or something. We've chosen one. Now we have this opportunity to be on the mic to get our word out there, our message out there. What are the three things we need to know and do when we have that opportu?

[00:13:06] Anjel: Great. Well, before I tell you the three things, the first thing I always say is you gotta be cl you know, clear on where you are. Are you getting onto the mic? Because you're pitching somebody. Right. Are you, are you on the mic cuz you're the guest of somebody's show or is it your jam? You know, is it your platform where you can do whatever you want?

So you gotta have like situational awareness, contextual awareness. And if you're on somebody else's platform, you need to be really clear on what's. What's cool. And what's not cool, right? Because we're, we're here. If you're here for the long game, then you're building reputation and you're building relationships.

Whenever you're being, given somebody else's platform. I believe that the platform is sacred and that you need to treat it with respect. And honor, when people come on my platform, I expect that from them. And when I go on somebody else's platform, I expect to show up honoring the, the person who has built that platform.

So, you know, before we even get to the, the things that you, as the speaker need to be focused, We wanna be clear of what's the context first. Um, and then when we're clear on the context, then we need to go into a state of number one certainty. The first thing you wanna be is certain, you wanna be certain that you have a right to be here and to be heard regardless of where you're at in your journey.

regardless of whether you're a professional or an amateur, regardless of whether you've had a horror story in your life, or whether you are somebody who came out of the, the womb with a silver spoon in your mouth, you have a right to be here and to be heard so certainty. And that is an internal attitude that needs to be cultivated.

[00:15:09] Jeffrey: Mm-hmm

[00:15:11] Anjel: needs to be cultivated. And it is an energetic that is also being transmitted. So when, when I come to the stage, you can feel my certainty or my uncertainty and the degree to which we have our certainty in. Is absolutely correlated with the degree to which we are able to create impact and income in our business.

So, as another example, I had a client many years ago who came to me initially because she was stuck. She was like ceiling at, uh, certain revenue figures, like low six figures. Just stuck there. And she was an on the road, mostly speaker. She enjoyed being on the road. She had performing in her background, which is another form of speaking.

Performing is another form of speaking. She had that in her background and, um, and when she came to me, what she said was I'm stuck. And what we figured out was the reason that she was stuck was because she actually had, uh, fear of flying. And when she was going speaking, she had to fly to get to her speaking engagements.

And because she had to fly by the time she got to the speaking engagement, all of that fear was in her. So when she hit the stage, She thought it was stage fright, but it wasn't stage fright. It was actually fear of flying and it, and it was creating this dynamic that was causing her to be sealed. Yeah.

Correct. So the next thing

[00:17:02] Katie: So that was the first, uh, thing to focus on is your certainty. What's the next thing?

[00:17:12] Anjel: you wanna focus on is clarity. I like to say clarity is divinity. And, um, when we only have a minute at the mic we wanna be, or, you know, a few minutes at the mic or even 30 or 40 minutes at the mic, we want to make it clear who we are, like be clear of who we are. This is me. I'm angel, I'm the executive producer and host of a five time award-winning podcast.

I've been speaking for 15 years. I help other people. Who are stuck with being unclear or, you know, plateauing at a certain revenue generation place. So that's you. So you might be a coach, a consultant, a trainer, an author, a speaker who needs help to feel great. Speaking who needs. Uh, to be able to ask for money cleanly, and actually create it, who needs help in getting greater visibility so that, that you can expand your reach and teach more people what you have to, to teach and be more profitable in your business.

So the clarity piece, what we wanna do is we wanna say, this is me. this is you, you know, we wanna help our audience members know this is who you are. So if you're here in the audience, you're a coach or a client, I mean a coach or a consultant or a speaker or an author or trainer. Uh, those are the people that I wanna speak to thought leaders, change agents.

Those are the people who are my people, visionaries. Those are the people who are my people. If you are, you know, Joe truck driver. Who stumbled into the room because somehow you showed up here or Jane, um, you know, back office accountant. Who's, who's not the people that I'm talking to. Then when I make that clear statement of who I am intending to connect with and SP speak to and serve, then you can opt yourself out. Right. So the clarity allows the people who are the right fit people to come closer to you and the people who are not the right fit people to opt out, whether they opt out by leaving the room, or whether they opt out by going off into their phones. Now everybody goes into their phones. Right. Um, and then this is where I stand clarity about where you stand.

So I stand for visionary entrepreneurs and leaders being able to prosper. From serving their purpose, not just serve their purpose, but prosper for, from serving their purpose. And I stand for voices of change to be heard by millions to live their destiny. This is where I stand. I stand for change agents.

To get shift done, right? Let's get the shift done. And then what I'm hired to do is I'm hired to consult, to serve and support those people in these areas in clarity, certainty, and, uh, and the final one, which is connecting, which is making the connection with the audience.

[00:20:29] Katie: So angel, I loved the piece that you were saying around clarity and knowing exactly who you wanna speak to. Um, and as a speaker myself, I've been kind of reigned in once I make the agreement. Yeah. I'll speak on your stage and here's my topic and here's the, you know, who's it for, and this is what I'm gonna talk about.

Then they would come back and say, well, not everyone in the. Fits that. And so can you kind of broaden your topic or whatnot? Um, and sometimes I've said yes, and sometimes I've said no, and every time I've said, yes, I've kicked myself for it. so that was

[00:21:05] Anjel: Where's my

[00:21:06] Katie: but

[00:21:06] Anjel: my bell. Let

me ring my bell on

[00:21:09] Katie: but I was gonna say, how do you, um, how do you acknowledge that or deal with that?

If you're, um, being, being asked to broaden what your focus is.

[00:21:19] Anjel: Okay. So what I'm gonna do right now is I'm gonna answer that question directly, but then I'm gonna tie it into the third thing that you wanna concentrate on when, when you have time at the microphone. So, um, no

is what we say,

right? No is what we say because, um, This goes back to certainty. You have a right to be here and you have a right to be heard and you have a right

[00:21:48] Katie: Yep.

[00:21:48] Anjel: to talk about what you wanna talk about.

Okay. And there's a famous saying, I don't quote me. I don't, it's not my saying it's somebody else's saying, but when you try to serve everybody, you're not serving anybody. Okay. So if somebody comes to you, who's in that mindset. You are the one who's responsible for your own business? You are the one who is responsible for your own credibility.

You are the one who is responsible for your own certainty. You are the one who's responsible for your own cash flow. And you are the one who is responsible for making the choices about where you're gonna play and where you're not gonna play. Sometimes, you know, there's a woman. Her name is Shelly Campbell.

She wrote the book, the wealthy spirit. She talks about the sharks, the dolphins, and the T. the tunas are the ones that are just rolling around like, oh yeah, I'll do anything you say, I'll do anything you say. And they're the ones getting eaten by the sharks. Right. So, and the sharks are gonna come in and like tear you apart and you wanna be with the dolphins.

And so who's responsible for that. Who's responsible for making the discerning choice about, you know,

what were you sacrificing by saying? Yes. Were you people pleasing, were you craving attention from somebody that you've pedestal? Were you, uh, you know, projecting that their audience must be better than yours so that you need to like bend yourself into a pretzel to serve and support and, and, you know, Edify them?

No, no, the answer is no, we are not gonna do this. And you know, you're obviously in a partnership. So you wanna, you, you actually get to say, well, I'm gonna have to consult with my partner on that.

right. I I'm gonna have to consult with my partner on that. If, if it's that difficult to say no, if it's difficult to say, no, you can always put it on your partner.

Right? I am not in a partnership, but I am in partnership with the divine. right. So I'll say up, gotta, gotta check in on that before I can give you an answer. Right. And that gives you the opportunity to not be in reaction mode, but instead to be in, um,

responding mode, the second thing I'm gonna say about the, this particular question, Katie is if you've already signed all the agreements based on what you said, you wanted to talk about, this is, this is a recipe. For, for you being, having to erode your own certainty, erode your own integrity. If they're gonna say that to you. So when people say, oh, can you bend into a pretzel? I mean, you get to decide, you get to choose and,

[00:24:46] Katie: clear

[00:24:48] Anjel: you get to.

Clear to yourself. What's really important to you and tell yourself the truth about what's really important to you now.

A lot of times when people get started speaking, they're like just say yes to everything, which initially yeah. You might wanna say yes to a lot of things just to get it, that exercise. ,

but there comes a point in time where

we've gotta stop with the practice and be

actually performing and performing means that

you are performing in a way that delivers the exact specific and precise message that you want to deliver with clarity, with certainty and to connect to

this is the third thing we wanna concentrate on is connection to connect to the right fit people.

Who are going to do business with you? That's what we're here to do. Do business collapse, do not equal cash.

[00:25:49] Jeffrey: Huge.

[00:25:51] Katie: Yep.

[00:25:51] Jeffrey: Well, that actually brings up, um, part of the reason we're on stage in the first place I is to make money. Right. How, how do we translate, uh, that experience to cash flow?

[00:26:11] Anjel: Great question. So, um, in my book, be heard by millions and live your destiny.

Number one, new release in three


[00:26:21] Jeffrey: Love it.

[00:26:22] Anjel: Um, thank you. We talk about, you know, all of the things that you need to have in place in order to actually make this make sense. And so, um, part of what I have incorporated in the. Is a quiz and the quiz will tell you what your speaker magic is because I'm gonna give you a leg up yoga move piece of information here.

There are not only a variety of different speaking models. Right? We talked about the performers. We talked about the, um, college circuit. We talked. Corporate, I didn't mention corporate speaking, but corporate speaking association, speaking virtual speaking, there's multiple different models of the speaking business itself, but there are actually, I've discovered five different speaker magic types and different types are better suited for different types of speaking engagements.

So not everyone is on a stage to sell the a. A keynote speaker has been paid by corporate or paid by, uh, an association 10,005,000, 50,000, a hundred thousand to show up on stage and deliver some motivation for not 75 minutes. They're getting paid by a single client, the corporation or the association, or, you know, whoever's paying for the keynote.

That's one type of a speaker. The speaker you're talking about. Jeffrey is the, um, person who is on a stage generally in a event that is geared towards entrepreneurs and business owners. And they're speaking to sell,

they're speaking with the intent to sell. So this goes to the top three things to concentrate on first certainty, second clarity, third connection.

The connection we have to start by saying, what the heck am I doing here? What am I creating here? What am I intending here? Where am I? What's the context of where I'm at? Am I here? Because I'm pitching to be on somebody else's podcast or am I here because I'm intending to have somebody buy my book, right?

Or am I here because I want to sell my $50,000. Consulting package or am I here? Because I just got paid $12,000 to show up on this stage in Akron, Ohio, and motivate these farmers for 25 minutes. Right. So what am I doing here? What am I creating here? What am I intending here? And am I broadcasting? Right.

So a key is more of a broadcaster

or am I here to interact? Whereas speak to cell speaker. Wants to interact. We wanna engage. We want to have our people be interested enough in what we're saying, that they, they have gotten a taste like tapas, right? They've gotten a taste of what we're saying, or even better, the little, the little spoon of ice cream that you get.

When you go into the ice cream places, would you like a taste, right? When you speak to sell, you wanna give a taste such.

the people who are your right fit. People are going to want to buy the whole bowl with three scoops.


and, um, and then we need to be clear about connecting with our heart center and calling forth.

To connect with engage and enroll. The

people that we are

most meant to be doing business with in the example that you are using now, there are three other types of speaker magics. We've just talked about keynote and speak to sell there's three other types of speaker magic,

have to buy the book and take the quiz to get those pieces of information.

[00:30:29] Jeffrey: Is is the quiz. Is the quiz only available in the book?

[00:30:32] Anjel: Um, yeah, the quiz is available outside of the

book and I have it set up so that they talk to one another. so if somebody takes the quiz,

they get invited to buy the book. And if somebody

buys the book, it's part of like, there's ex it's better to buy the book because there's exercises or get the book because there's

exercises in the book

that connect you to the quiz.

[00:30:52] Jeffrey: Got it. Okay. We're gonna definitely link that

in the

[00:30:56] Anjel: And, and we, I think I gave you, I actually think I gave you guys a downloadable copy of the book so people can buy the book on Amazon or they can get the

downloadable free copy

of the book through you guys,

[00:31:09] Katie: Okay,

perfect. Put

[00:31:11] Anjel: will give them

also access to the quiz.


[00:31:14] Jeffrey: Right.

[00:31:14] Katie: Awesome. All right. So let's talk about, um, people, you know, aspiring speakers and even, you know, confident, uh, well experienced speakers. Um, I think one of the most common questions is how do I get on more stages? You know, it's a little bit of it's who, you know, and, you know, making intros and things like that.

Um, but you know, let's talk about speaker one sheets. Do you think they're important?

Um, or do you think they box you in and then how to get booked on some virtual stages?

[00:31:46] Anjel: Well, I gotta step back again here. cause I'm in a mode in my own life in business where I've become clear that I am choosing no longer to be seduced by the culture of busy.

And so there is a mindset of, I gotta get on more stages. And I would challenge that mindset and say, I would like to be on better stages.

Right. I would like to be on stages where I am seeing the results of spending my time on those stages. right. And again, there are different phases of going through the speaker process. There was a time where I was like, oh my God, any stage, like, let me just start talking. What am I talking about? Oh, talked about menopause on this stage.

Talked about SP you know, I did the same thing, Katie, you know, I've done the same thing. So I, I can tell you. Where somebody says, oh, can you speak on this? And I'm like, yes, I'll speak on that. I'll speak on menopause. I'll speak on spirituality. I'll speak on speaking. I'll speak on business. I'll speak on this, this, this, sure.

I can do all of that. I don't do that anymore. Right. Um, so in terms of the speaker one sheet, I mean, everything has transformed significantly in the last 15 years in the speaker business. And again, it goes back to. What's the context, somebody who's a keynote, probably a good idea to have a speaker, one sheet, probably a good idea to have a speaker real of good video.

See, you know, with you in front of people on stages where there's audiences, you know, probably a good thing to have a media kit on your website, because the people who are hiring you are event bookers or event planners and, and, and, um, event managers. right. Or, you know, the, the ones who are gonna write the corporate check or the association check.

So for that type of speaker, a one sheet makes sense. Um, some podcasters like to see the one sheet. I don't think it's a bad idea to have a one sheet, but I don't think you need to spend 27 hours figuring out what your one sheet needs to look like. Keep it simple. Keep it simple, keep it clear, be certain, say what you're gonna talk about and indicate what your intention is on your one sheet.

So that whoever is, um, looking at that, if they even do look at it is going to be able to say, oh my God, I wanna book this person. Right. Um, and be, to be, be wise enough about the value of your own wisdom and the value of your own time. To vet carefully, if somebody is wanting you to be on their stage, right?

A lot of like tele summit people, there was a period where all of a sudden the tele summit industry, uh, was sending everyone to my inbox. Like everyone was coming to my inbox and I was like, tell us, sum an invitation, tell us, sum an invitation, tell us, sum an invitation, tell us sum an invitation. And finally I figured out.

That there was, uh, a coach who was telling her client to tell her clients to go talk to me and suction people off of my list. And I wasn't clued in, and, and this was years ago, but when I finally got clued in, I was like, oh, I get what's going on. You

know, we want to be remembering that we're building something for the

long term. And so I know

exactly who the people were, who were sending people to my list for the purpose of siphoning people off of my list. I won't do business with them.

And if somebody came up to me and asked me and said, Hey, what do you think about

being on this person's so, so, and so's thing, I would be like, Mmm, you might wanna do a

little research.

[00:35:48] Jeffrey: right.

[00:35:49] Anjel: wink, you might wanna be mindful, might wanna be discerning, you know, are we working with sharks or tuna or dolphins and you do not

wanna be the tuna, right?

[00:36:01] Jeffrey: Do we wanna be the shark?

[00:36:03] Anjel: No. Do you, do

you really wanna be the

[00:36:06] Jeffrey: a trick que trick question. Right.

[00:36:08] Anjel: Do no. I mean sometimes,

[00:36:10] Katie: jokes.

[00:36:10] Anjel: sometimes tune. So, so I'm, I'm gonna quote Shelly Campbell again, who I co I was on a stage with her years and years ago, and I love her.

She's wonderful. Um, She says

in her book, sometimes the dolphin has to put the shark Finn on just to get through the, the, you know, to get through the pod of sharks in one piece. But ideally you do not wanna be sharking because people will people talk

there. There's a lot of back channel talk in

the industry

[00:36:41] Jeffrey: And those

[00:36:41] Anjel: and, and they don't last very long.

And you know, there are very few of us who've been around since 2008, who are still doing the. right. People come, they shoot up, they start doing Sharky things. Eventually the universe comes along and gives them a bitch slap of karma. And that's the end of them.

[00:37:00] Jeffrey: don't last, very long. Absolutely.

[00:37:05] Katie: So I wanna, uh, jump to something that's near and dear to Jeffrey's heart , which is systems

[00:37:13] Anjel: mm.

[00:37:14] Katie: you know, so something, um, what we always do the research on our guests before. So, you know, we read your, um, Pages and websites and all the things. So I don't even know where we actually saw this, but one of the things that you help people do is, or that you are suggesting people need to do is readying your back office to have your back.

So what does that mean? If, if I'm gonna speak on a virtual stage, what am I gonna want set up in my back office to support my endeavor?

[00:37:43] Anjel: Chapter seven

[00:37:44] Katie: Oh, I'm like for people who can't see her in video, she's opening her book up.

[00:37:49] Anjel: chapter seven in the book.

[00:37:51] Jeffrey: she knows right where to go.

[00:37:52] Anjel: it simple. Keep it simple. Um, well, you know, ready in your back office. It really, before we even get to readying the back office, we wanna be really clear. I mean, I love to say clarity is divinity. It's like my signature quote, clarity is divinity. So we really wanna be clear about our objectives and we wanna be clear about what our budget is and we wanna be clear about where we are good and where we suck.

Okay. So everybody's back office is gonna look a little bit different. in terms of who the support people are in the back office. And, um, and then it's a matter of making budgetary decisions and efficiency decisions, right? Um, there are a zillion shiny objects out there that we could be sampling. Let's try this.

Let's try this. Let's try this. Let's try this. Let's try this. I would challenge. Especially if you're a solo entrepreneur or a small, you know, have a small tight team, um, the least amount of things that you can be experimenting with the better we wanna control as many variables as possible, rather than throwing spaghetti against the wall when we're setting up systems, because the more complex the system.

it was the O ring on the challenger that caused you to blow up. Okay. One O ring. Okay. So I like to control the variables and I like to have things set up to be doing the very best job with the least amount of efforting and friction. So when we're setting up the back office, We have to begin by looking at our budget, by looking at our own skills, by looking at where our weaknesses are and by looking at what is the simplest way to accomplish what I wanna accomplish.

And for many people, especially those just getting started going down the funnel hell hole is not a good idea. You really want to make sure to have the. Fastest path and easiest connection to the potential buyer in place first and functioning consistently again and again and again, before you add anything else to the system.

And so in the book, it talks about like the basic things, the basic things you need is a way for people. For you to invite people to come in which you're gonna put a link, that's gonna give people something to come into my world, right? And there's gotta be some technology that backs that up. You don't have to spend the $400 a month or $250 a month, you know, um, Ferrari level customer relations management system. In the, in the beginning, you can get by with putting things together, um, that will serve you at a minimum. and some of those things are, you know, you want your customer relations management, you want your email, um, you know, thing, to be able to send out emails. You want a place to host your website, where people can opt in.

Uh, you want to make sure, especially if you're, if you're speaking that you have your own assets, all set up in a way that's easy for your hosts to have access to those assets. right. So those are just a few things, but you know, there's definitely more in chapter seven.

[00:41:55] Katie: We should lead a book club on this book.

[00:41:58] Anjel: happy to

[00:41:59] Katie: but I mean, really angel it's so great that, that you wrote this book because I think a lot of people think, oh, to get started as a speaker or, or to just grow the business. Right. Um, not that, not that everyone's new, but to grow the business, you know, it's gonna take money and I have to hire a coach or a consultant.

And in reality, often you can read a book and get enough. Standing to know where you need the most support. Right? So I said, there might be somebody listening, going, I got everything except the back end. I hate tech. I don't have a team and I don't know how to, how to collect leads in, in the truth of the matter is coming from a sales coach.

You know, there's not much point if you're speaking to sell. there's not much point for you to do that. If you don't have a follow up system already in place, and you're telling yourself, oh, I'll I'll collect emails and I'll, I'll send them an email sometime, but that sometime is gonna be too late. Right?

Like you gotta give them something that they're gonna get instantly. And get into your, you know, so the systems are so important. And so just, I just love that you wrote this book. I can't read, wait to read it myself because, um, you know, there's just, it, there's so many little pieces and things to understand, and, you know, even the distinction between a keynote and a speak sell. And I remember getting this training myself several years ago and you know, my mentor said, you know, it may sound great. Oh, I'd love to make $10,000, you know, standing on stage. Like I'd love if I get paid as a keynote $10,000. And he's like, but this story will change your mind. You know? And he made like $88,000 being on stage 45 minutes because he had his systems in place and he was able to make an offer.

Right. And then on the back end of the offer, it went even further, um, you know,

[00:43:47] Anjel: Well, so I, I do wanna say because I, I I'm really big on integrity. I do wanna say the reason why I did the speaker magic quiz is because there, there are certain people that are simply not capable, not because they don't have the intelligence. but because it's just, they just are not built to be speak to cell speakers.

Not everyone is built to be an enroller. Let's be clear about that. Okay. Can it be taught? Yes, but not everyone is gonna stand on the stage. And in three days, make $2.2 million. Like one of my early clients did, right. I've, I've served some of the most, um, amazing people in the world who are, are doing. Big money from stage and not every person is built to do that.

That's why I did the speaker magic quiz because it was really clear to me. There are people who are built to be keynotes and it's an entirely different business model. And a keynote can, can grow in the keying industry from a $5,000 a gig speaker where maybe you go out twice a month and you're making 10 grand a month to a, you know, $50,000 a gig because they've put in the, the time and they have, um, have got the reputation in the industry.

There are performers who get paid 35, $40,000 to go and do one 90 minute thing. Larry Wingett is a good example of. Um, where he gets paid 35 or $40,000 to come in and talk to a group of people. And he's basically entertaining them. He's entertaining them. That's a whole other business model and yes, you're absolutely right speaking to sell.

Um, you can make a shit ton of money in a short amount of time, but you've gotta be able to deliver what you've sold and that requires systems on the back end. And that requires clarity of your business model and that require. A lot of things. So if there's one thing I can leave people with here is can you get started speaking?

Absolutely. Can, are there lots of different pathways in the speaking industry? Absolutely. Can we keep it as simple as possible initially, please,

[00:46:08] Katie: Mm-hmm

[00:46:09] Anjel: out, you know, do you have the temperament? Are you more of an educator than an enroller? Okay. Or are you somebody who can, um, be extemporaneous and, and spontaneously be in a 10 minute interview?

And then everybody wants everything that you've got. Right. So, um, if there's anything I can say, I would highly recommend not only that you get the book, but it is very helpful to hire people who have been there and done.

[00:46:48] Jeffrey: Mm-hmm

[00:46:49] Anjel: always look to hire where you aspire. So if you aspire to be a keynote speaker, hire somebody,

[00:47:01] Katie: Bingo. It it, but it's understanding the kind of support you need before you hire it. I think that the biggest mistake people make is they get wowed by someone and they buy their thing and then they realize, geez, this isn't really good for my personality. Right? So it's like inform yourself on the industry and where you wanna go and then hire someone that you aspire to be.

Instead of someone selling you their dream, you know?

[00:47:33] Anjel: and, and Katie, I will say, cuz you and I go back a little ways. I will say that I've made plenty of buying mistakes that I now look back and say, I definitely shouldn't. I was not nowhere near ready to buy X, Y, Z thing. However, it, it was part of the journey. Right. And so yes, be also willing to take risks and be willing to hire somebody that may not be the exact fit, but you may learn something there or you, I mean, I actually hired somebody after I had been with, uh, a mentor for five years.

And I'll just use this as an analogy. The mentor I was with for five years was like shopping at Nordstrom's right. High end shopping. And all of a sudden, I got this offer in front of me to work with this other person. And it was literally like shopping at Sears essentials, but my guidance. Okay. At the end of the day, I'm gonna tell everybody, follow your guidance.

My guidance said. Hire this quote, unquote Sears essentials person. Right. And what ended up happening was within 60 days in one 15 minute conversation with that person's lead coach. I got the value of the entire $10,000 investment. I actually didn't need what she was selling. I didn't need to consume all of her content.

I didn't even need to be in that group of people. What I actually got $10,000 of value out of was one 15 minute conversation within the first 60 days with the person's lead coach. So my guidance pointed me in the right direction. And if I had, if I had looked at it and said, well, I didn't consume all the stuff that I paid for.

Um, now I'm trapped in scarcity thinking. Instead of saying, oh my God, I just got a $10,000 value in 15 minutes with in the first 60 days, I can walk away from this and be happy,

[00:49:43] Katie: Feel complete.

[00:49:44] Anjel: feel complete,

[00:49:45] Katie: Yep. Yep. Yeah, no, I, I, I've definitely also, you know, bought stuff I might not have been ready for, or wasn't a good fit, but I've also been on the selling side of things for my own business, as well as other people's business. And I. I've just seen that, you know, they're almost grasping at straws and you know, I also stand very highly in integrity and I did, you know, ask some of the difficult questions.

Like, do you see yourself being able to do these things? Like these are the things you have to do, right? because I saw you this week in the launching, you didn't do it. So it makes me nervous that you're about to spend $15,000 on a program. Telling me, you're gonna do this thing that you weren't doing all week long.

Now, some people take free launches for granted and when they pay 15 grand, they do do it when it's free. They don't, you know, but I did have that conversation. So I just think it's important because I, I just have seen, seen it happen a lot. I've done it myself and oh, anytime I've thought anything. I've.

Right. But sometimes I've been able, I've been known to say, well, that was an expensive mistake. or an expensive lesson, right?

[00:50:55] Anjel: it tuition, tuition. It was just tuition. It's not expensive. I there's more than enough every day, all

[00:51:02] Katie: yeah.

[00:51:03] Anjel: I needed to pay this tuition to receive this, this education and everything will eventually turn into gold. It might take years. I mean, I spent, like I said, in, when we were talking about the college circuit speaking circuit, right.

I spent $5,000 to go to that thing to discover it was the college speaking circuit that there was no, and came home and put the four inch thick binder right in the trash bin. But I'm now 15, almost whatever 13, whatever years it is later using that story. I still use that story to do a couple of things.

One to encourage people, to take a risk and invest two, to make sure that you're doing something to educate yourself. That's beyond, you know, maybe buying book books are great, but a lot of books sit on the shelves. People get two chapters in and they walk away. When you invest $5,000 to go across the country, you're giving some serious thought to whatever it is that you're set setting your course.

right. And, and three, um, to illustrate that everything is not as its seems. You can't just say, go to, into the speaking business, cuz I discovered right away, there's a lot behind the scenes that I didn't know that I didn't know. And that is an ongoing journey for all of us. There's a lot. We don't know that we don't know.

[00:52:27] Jeffrey: love

[00:52:28] Anjel: And let me, let me also say Katie, the reason why I'm here on your platform is because I know that you have integrity.

[00:52:35] Katie: Well, thank you. We appreciate that. Yeah,

[00:52:38] Anjel: welcome. Otherwise, I would've said no

[00:52:40] Katie: we? Yeah,

[00:52:41] Anjel: thanks. But no, thanks.

[00:52:44] Katie: no, we, we really appreciate that. And I mean, that has been the name of the game for me this whole time. Um, in, in 10 years of business, you know, just, um, you mentioned earlier putting people up on a pedestal. and then discovering, oh, I just, they just knocked themselves right off that pedestal. Right. In that single conversation or in that way, they just handled that situation or, you know, and I'm not perfect at all, but it's just a matter of owning something and saying, you know, oops, I don't think I handled that very well.

Sorry about that. Right. Like we can make mistakes. Um, but, but own it. And, uh, I think the same with sales, you know, I learned heart centered sales, right from the beginning. I also learned, you know, some icky ways of doing things, and I remember being kind of encouraged by a coach. Like you don't know how it feels to you try it, you know, like do this thing, you know, maybe a fast action bonus or something that, um, I no longer feel aligned with.

Um, you know, so just, you know, it's, I think it's interesting to just play with stuff and go, oh Nope. There's my integrity line found it right. Found the boundary. Um, and we all have

[00:53:55] Anjel: find it. You, you don't find it without the experiment,

[00:53:58] Katie: right, right. Without putting yourself out there and trying. Yeah.

[00:54:01] Anjel: be willing to get, you know, if you're, if you're gonna stand by the fire and put logs in every now and then a Spark's gonna come out and burn your

[00:54:08] Katie: Yep. Yep.

[00:54:09] Anjel: Part of part of the deal.

[00:54:10] Katie: yep. Yep.

[00:54:12] Anjel: So,

[00:54:13] Katie: Well, this has been amazing. Jeffrey, did you have one more question?

[00:54:17] Jeffrey: I was gonna, I was gonna just wrap it up and, and ask if you had any last, any last, uh, thing you wanted the audience to walk away with, uh, any last final thought.

[00:54:28] Anjel: uh, yes. So I said before that, my favorite thing to say is clarity is divinity.

[00:54:35] Jeffrey: Mm-hmm

[00:54:36] Anjel: Um, One of my other favorite things to say is gratitude is the currency of the universe. And currency is gratitude in action. So I want to say I'm grateful for the time that you've given me here on your platform, and I deeply appreciate, uh, the opportunity to serve you and your audience.

And I look forward to long end prosperous, uh, ongoing partner. With both of you.

[00:55:07] Jeffrey: that. Amen.

[00:55:08] Katie: do we?

[00:55:09] Anjel: you. Thank you.

[00:55:10] Katie: Yeah.

[00:55:10] Jeffrey: we really do appreciate your time. And this is, this has been a gift to us. So

[00:55:15] Katie: And yeah, the expertise you're sharing, you know, and just, um, I'm really excited to we'll share your book, be heard by millions and live your destiny, share the link to that. And, um, you know, just anywhere else that you hang out specifically that you want people to come find you.

[00:55:32] Anjel: Great. So yeah, send people to be heard by millions.com. That's where they can get the book for, uh, it's a downloadable copy of the book. So it's, it's, uh, you know, digital, it's not, I, I like to have the hard copy because I can write in it cuz there's spaces in the book where you can do the exercises.

Uh, I've made lines in the book, but some people like to do it digitally. We have that for you. And then of course, tune into the wily smart women podcast at www dot wily, smart women.com. We are approaching our third anniversary with the show that will be coming up in, uh, a few months. And we just won our fifth award.

I won, uh, this fifth award for hosting, so that's pretty exciting. And, uh, yeah. Find me there or on clubhouse, although I'm, uh, on a little hiatus right now from clubhouse. I, I am on clubhouse. So you can find me there probably in the, in the autumn.

[00:56:27] Jeffrey: Awesome. We'll get, we'll get those links from you and put those in the show notes for.

[00:56:32] Anjel: All right.

[00:56:33] Jeffrey: Awesome. And thank you so much, dear listener for joining us on this episode. If you enjoyed this, uh, hit that, uh, subscribe button, leave us a five star review and you can check out all the show notes and connect with angel at the launch squad, lab.com/episode 79.

All right, we'll see you guys next time.

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About the Show

The Lighten Your Launch Podcast is for Coaches and Course Creators who want a lighter online launch experience. Maybe you’ve done a few launches already, and feel exhausted just thinking about it! Or, it’s been one of your goals, but you don’t know where to start.

Tune in to learn from our team of experts, The Launch Squad, who aren’t afraid to dig into all aspects of launching: sales, strategy, technology, mindset, funnels, and even a bit of woo to get you through the toughest times. Let’s put a stop to perfectionism and procrastination, and finally take your launch from intimidating to money-making!