Today we want to talk about what actually comes first, success or feeling successful with Rebecca Wiener McGregor. In this conversation, we’re exploring the chicken and egg paradox that holds so many of us back from breaking through any self-imposed limitation.

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[00:00:00] Jeffrey: Welcome to the light in your launch podcast today, we're talking about becoming comfortable with success before you actually have it. So stay tuned.

[00:00:57] Jeffrey: Welcome back to the show. I'm Jeffrey Sorano and I'm back again with Katie Collins as usual. And today we wanna talk about what actually comes first success or feeling successful in this conversation. We're exploring the paradox of the chicken and the egg that holds so many of us back from breaking through that.

Self-imposed limitation. Katie, who are we speaking with?

[00:01:23] Katie: She is described as an amplifier of love. And a catalyst for breakthroughs. She shares her gifts as a transformational hypnotist and a money mindset coach committed to helping visionary women live their truth. Step into their divine purpose and create the life of their dreams. Since 2004, she has helped thousands of clients to release old blocks.

Traumas loss and hidden fears to find a deeper sense of self-worth and determination to live life on their own terms, using that self-worth and determination as fuel to create the life they've been dreaming of with deeper connection, more joy, more impact. And more fun. She's the podcast host of fear is a motherfucker, an author of the book, loving her 10 loving standards to call forward the wealthy woman inside you.

She can be found online and in South Dakota USA, where she loves spending time with friends and family and her three rescue pups watching the water. Books art music, and she has the ever so slight Netflix infatuation. Welcome to the podcast stage. Rebecca Wiener. McGregor.

[00:02:42] Rebecca: Hey, thank you so much.

[00:02:44] Katie: Yes. Thanks for being here.

[00:02:46] Rebecca: I'm so glad to be here with you, both.

[00:02:49] Jeffrey: So, so tell us a little bit about your journey and like how you have come to do what you do.

[00:02:58] Rebecca: Hmm. Well, we all have that long winding road, right. This one started a long time ago, but it was in a season where I was not feeling very successful. I was feeling kind of stuck and, uh, I will. Forgo the, the, the story from before that point, but I was in a job that I didn't really care for and I was hiding from my life and I didn't realize it. I was hiding from joy. I was hiding from commitment. I was hiding from success. I was hiding from fun and there was a light at this very dark place that I was working. And his name was Jordan. He was my best friend and he was learning about hypnosis and thought I'd. I might be able to help people, a lot of people with it.

That's what he said. I think you could help a lot of people with hypnosis. And he said, do you wanna go to training with me? And what I realized later is I was dealing with a lot of social anxiety. And so I mustered up the saddest. Sure. I'll do it with you ever and placed all the responsibility on him. I said, if you find us a great teacher, then I will.

So, you know, of course, if it didn't work out, then I couldn't blame myself. Cause he had found the teacher and uh, and he found us a fantastic teacher. And then he ditched me and beyond my character at the time I went by myself and figured it out. I was like, feeling just broke, like. Broke financially. I was feeling broke in my spirit and I went, and I remember leaving that training, completing the residency of the training.

It gives me goosebumps now to think about it, just feeling a lightness that I had not felt maybe ever in my life that I was aware of. And, um, that really, it helped me relieve the anxiety that I felt was feeling for years and have not felt since. And so that became. Passion to help people break free of this horrible thing called anxiety and panic attacks and all of that stuff.

And then my work was really with a lot of female entrepreneurs. So the people I were networking with were other female entrepreneurs. And then the conversation came about more than just anxiety, but other limiting beliefs around success and money and what is possible for us to. Yeah.

[00:05:24] Katie: I love that you are just so open during a broken time.

[00:05:29] Jeffrey: Mm-hmm

[00:05:29] Katie: Right? Like I think that that is, I think people forget. When we're just in this broken state or just seems like everything feels devastating, that like that's the opening

[00:05:40] Rebecca: Mm-hmm

[00:05:41] Katie: looking for the, the light and the opening of it. And it's just great when friends kind of get us there and then it's like, he kind of sensed, like, you don't need me anymore.

I'm gonna go do my, my

[00:05:52] Rebecca: Yeah. And he ended up marrying a woman named Rebecca isn't that fantastic. Like we just helped each other get to the space where we found our next, our next thing. And I thank him every year on my graduation date. And we love to just have that like moment of this is where we were, and this is where we are now

[00:06:13] Katie: Yep.

[00:06:13] Rebecca: vast difference.

[00:06:14] Katie: Yeah. Ah, those are the best relationships, you know, I've got a few of those. It's great. You know, I, I think, um, I loved the name of your podcast. I wanted to, to chat a little bit just about that word, fear, you know, and the limiting beliefs that come up. Um, and you know, I'm, I, anytime somebody brings up anxiety to me as a coach, you know, I have a hard time.

Touching that with a 10 foot pole. And because I studied psychology, you know, I think sometimes like the word narcissist people just throw that word out there and, and I'm very careful with the clinical terminology and then diagnosing someone else sounds to me like you have depression. I don't like, I don't like that.

Right. And I also think that, you know, nerves. Fear, all of that can get wrapped up in that word, anxiety. And we hear about it so much. And, um, people self diagnose, or they got diagnosed by Dr. Google. Um, but what's at the essence of all of it is there's unrest in people and some people can handle the unrest better than others.

Right. Um, so I just, I wanna hear from you, like what made you start that podcast and you know, what do you think fear is?

[00:07:26] Rebecca: Yeah, absolutely. And let's acknowledge, I have the same feelings for you that you do about anxiety. I feel like. anxiety can become a moniker that people decide that they have to carry and a way of being that they have to be when it could be a subtle case of nerves or like an clinical anxiety. To me feels more like you're feeling anxiety.

You're feeling like your heart is racing and you can't think straight. In a time when it's inappropriate for you to be nervous because you're sitting on the beach with your friends or you're just getting ready for your day. Right? There's a big difference between nervousness and anxiety. And so I, I don't diagnose people and I love to say, we don't have to call it anxiety.

We can call it pink, cotton and candy if you want, because the label doesn't matter. It's the feeling that's in your body that we're gonna.

[00:08:19] Jeffrey: Yeah.

[00:08:20] Rebecca: Because that feeling is sending signals to your brain, telling you to respond in a certain way that you don't need to respond to. That's keeping your life smaller than you want it to be.

[00:08:29] Jeffrey: Yeah.

[00:08:31] Rebecca: So I believe that our emotions come from one of two places, the place of love or a place of fear. And the, the full title of the podcast is fear as a motherfucker, but it's not the enemy because I think it's a beast. I witnessed, you know, thousands of clients coming to me with deep fears based on traumas that they have had.

And the reason it's the experience is a trauma because of how they felt about it. Right. And fears that they've held onto about who they think they need to be for people or for themselves or ideas about what's possible for them or what they can have, what they're possibly worthy of. What they're not worthy of if they can handle success, the whole thing.

And I wanted to have Frank conversations about fear. Like we could, we should, if we could be able to talk about fear as if like, oh, Katie, your fear is showing up like, oh, Katie, you have a little spinach in your teeth,

[00:09:32] Jeffrey: Yeah.

[00:09:33] Rebecca: Instead of dancing around it and pretending it's not happening.

[00:09:38] Jeffrey: Yeah.

[00:09:39] Rebecca: Because if we can have these conversations and we can acknowledge our feelings, they don't get trapped inside of us because when they get trapped, they compound and they cause all sorts of problems.

Probably the biggest word that we hear very often is overwhelm and that overwhelm weighs us down and can keep us from taking steps. So if we can acknowledge the fear, let it move on out and come back to love. Then we can take steps in alignment with our vision that is born of love. Things that our soul is directing to, which will always be from love.

[00:10:19] Jeffrey: And we all know how upset we get at that friend who didn't tell us there was spinach in our teeth and just let us go throughout the day, like with spinach in our teeth. And you're like, dude, I talked to you this morning. How come you didn't tell me?

[00:10:31] Rebecca: Right. Right. And just being so loving with it, you know, not in a place of judgment because it's not necessary for us to judge other people's stuff, but I like to acknowledge it without judgment so that we can move forward, move, make the shift and let it, let it move on its way.

[00:10:52] Jeffrey: yeah.

[00:10:55] Katie: You know, I, I, it's so interesting cuz I mean, overwhelm is a word we use all the time. Um, that's one of the words that comes up quite a bit, when people talk about why they haven't launched yet or when it comes to launching, what, what do they worry about most or what concerns the most and the overwhelm is probably the number one answer.

[00:11:14] Rebecca: right.

[00:11:15] Katie: It's true, you know, to it's like address the, you know, fear and overwhelm are very similar, if not the same

[00:11:23] Rebecca: yep.

[00:11:23] Katie: Um, and you know, a part of our way of helping people is to say, so what's overwhelming. You let's take a look at these things that are overwhelming you. And one by one, we're gonna dismantle the overwhelm and give you an easy. Solution, right. Oh, we got a template for that. We've got a framework for that. We have a team member that can help with that. Um, you know, one step at a time. Uh, so I think when people feel overwhelmed, they're focused on too many steps forward

[00:11:53] Rebecca: Right. And what a gift

[00:11:56] Katie: Yeah,

[00:11:56] Rebecca: to be able to break down the 5,300 steps of a launch and to say, oh, you're you're, you don't have to worry about step 53. Right now we're on step 17, just focus on this step. And this is what you, these are the templates for the step, right? What a gift, because they're the word launch even has so many expectations in it, right?

Oh my gosh.

[00:12:18] Katie: Yeah, I know. And sometimes I'm like, and take a look at one through 16, see how we cross those off. Isn't that exciting? right. There's a reason why we don't hit the delete button. We do the strike through so that you can see, oh, I've accomplished all this. And I, you know, I, I often say like sometimes if I'm making a to-do list and I already did something that took me a long time, I put it on my to-do list so I can cross it off.

Like that's right. I did that.

[00:12:45] Rebecca: That strikethrough is sexy and that helps us know that we can finish stuff.

[00:12:49] Katie: Yep.

[00:12:50] Rebecca: Yes. Yeah. So valuable.

[00:12:53] Katie: Um, so you know, thinking about fear, um, and we talked in the beginning, we were saying, you know, we were gonna talk about. It's like your own fear is what gets in the way of your success. You know, um, we were interviewed on a podcast earlier today and you know, the word leadership came up and that has been this big growth from myself in the last, probably seven years.

I was a sales team leader and I had to really learn some leadership skills there and then just, you know, running the company with Jeffrey and having team I've had to learn my leadership there and then my own self leader. That's been a big buzzword for me. And I don't think all people see themselves as a leader or think that that matters, but it in fact matters.

A hundred percent. Um, but what's interesting is, you know, we've got this vision say, you know, someone's vision is to get to their first a hundred thousand dollars or someone's vision is to get from the plateau that they've been on in that 100, $200,000 to 500,000. Right. And yet there's a part of them that either doesn't believe it's possible can't vision, what that will look like.

And so they just keep staying in that plateau. So how do you help people get out of the plateau they're in whether it's a lower plateau than my example, or even higher, everyone's got a plateau. How do, how do you help people get beyond it and see the vision of the next step that feels really F and scary.

[00:14:23] Rebecca: Yeah, because the, sometimes the vision itself is very scary. So people won't admit it to themselves, what it is. And I come back to a SA the same question over and over and over and over. And many of my clients are like, are you seriously asking me this again?

[00:14:39] Jeffrey: Again,

[00:14:40] Rebecca: And it is, what do you really want?

[00:14:44] Jeffrey: Yeah.

[00:14:44] Rebecca: Because we will start our entrepreneur journey with. I think I can do this. Right. I think that I could make something of myself with this. I could do something. I could help some people. And then as we develop that a little bit of success, we get a couple clients or we really get a passion for our methodology or the way or our gifts, or we start expanding our gifts.

And then we start thinking about, Ooh, What's the next thing that I could probably get, right. What's possible for me, instead of going for the low hanging fruit, shifting it into, what do I really, really want?

[00:15:28] Jeffrey: mm-hmm

[00:15:29] Rebecca: Because that is the field of all potential is the unknown. Right? So being able to shift into what do you really want if you're, if you could have it right now and you weren't lying to yourself to make it.

[00:15:42] Jeffrey: Yes.

[00:15:44] Rebecca: What do you really want? And then the whole body will light up usually, right? Like, oh my gosh, am I really gonna say this thing that I really want, that I really just wanna work six days a month and I wanna make a million dollars a month. And can I then justify that in myself and really release all the limiting beliefs that I have about getting there and then achieve it, which will create a feeling of overwhelm.

Right? Because. So many steps between that,

[00:16:12] Jeffrey: right.

[00:16:13] Rebecca: but that feeling of what do you really, really want? Because sometimes the first vision is safe and the thing, the way that I'm living now, that girl who couldn't even like fully verbalize assure when her friend asked her, if she could, if she wanted to become a hypnotist, the life I'm living now, I couldn't even imagine at that time

[00:16:35] Katie: Hmm.

[00:16:36] Rebecca: and the life I'm living now, I couldn't imagine.

Eight years, seven years ago,

[00:16:41] Jeffrey: Yeah.

[00:16:43] Rebecca: three years ago, probably. And now there's a vision on top of that vision and allowing that vision to continue to expand by continuing to ask the question, what do you really want? Because that will come from soul spirit, higher self, whatever. And that is leading the way.

[00:17:01] Jeffrey: Yeah, and I feel like that question is so challenging. Because oftentimes we don't really know what we really want or we can't articulate it or, or we have these stories of what we should want, you know, and yeah.

[00:17:20] Katie: I, and I think we also have stories of what will happen if we get what we really want. So more money means, you know, more team, more stress, maybe more family asking for money more, right? Like there's just added weight. And so then it's like, do you really want that? Because then equals this. How do you help people?

Cause like, those are all stories too. Like, it doesn't have to be that way.

[00:17:46] Rebecca: right. It's all a story. And if we can really dial back to what are those, what's the root of all those stories. What's the feeling, what's the situation inside of you? What's the experience that you've had that created that story that said you had to start living for other people, or you had to do it some kind of way, or that you had to take care of all your family.

Now you have all this money and you've, you know, you're making this income and you're, you're the successful one now. And now you're, it's your responsibility to take care of every. What's the story behind that. What were the experiences that you witnessed in your life that told you that that's the way it had to be? Who is the over giver in your life? Are you the over giver in your life? Because there are takers, right? And there's always an over giver attached to that. I'm a recovering over giver. And, uh, and then all of the ideas about what, whether you're thinking about what will change my life. If I am successful.

All those things that you worry about are tied to things that have already happened, which have created, like you keep, like you've mentioned Katie, the story, the program, right? The program is that if I get, if I ask for more, I'm gonna be saddled with more.

[00:19:08] Jeffrey: yeah.

[00:19:09] Rebecca: gonna hurt more. It's gonna amplify the things that are already bothering me in my life.

And why would that happen? Unless. I'm the problem. So then I can't allow myself more success because a plus B equal C. And if I'm part of the equation, we're screwed. So thinking about when you have those moments and those questions, pop up, write them down, get the question out of your brain, use a pen and put it on actual paper.

Write the question down. And then when you have time, look at the questions you've been writing and look at the common thread. Of those experiences. Now, if I were working with someone in hypnosis, I would ask them what's the physical feeling associated with that question.

[00:19:57] Jeffrey: Hmm.

[00:19:57] Rebecca: And we would use that feeling as a bridge, into the past to look at the experiences that created that feeling.

And we would neutralize them so that you get to be in the present operating firm here rather than the wave of emotion from all of the past stuff. That's still creating stories for.

[00:20:16] Jeffrey: And all that attachment that comes with those stories and those experiences and those past results that you've maybe experienced. That's huge.

[00:20:26] Rebecca: It's incredibly freeing to operate from here and to create a new story from this present moment, then to be attached to the wave of stories that came from the experience where there's still so much doubt, shame, guilt, blame, pain, panic, whatever it was.

[00:20:46] Jeffrey: Yeah. So, so in your mind, let's unpack this really quick. Cause I think you're touching on it right here is like what, what comes first? The chicken or the egg, you know, when we're on our journey towards success, whatever success, you know, looks like to you, like when we're on this journey, what what's that pathway in your mind?

[00:21:08] Rebecca: I do think it is about simply beginning to define what success is for you.

[00:21:13] Jeffrey: Mm.

[00:21:14] Rebecca: Because the very fact that you have the freedom to start your own business or the ability to start your own business is a place of success for a lot of people that gets vastly overlooked,

[00:21:24] Jeffrey: amen.

[00:21:25] Rebecca: right? That you have that bravery that you have, you've stored up that courage and you've taken the step.

Whether it's your side hustle becoming your thing, or you're diving in head first with everything. That's a really powerful place to start and to acknowledge the courage that it took to get there, because people will have courage in other areas and becoming an entrepreneur is not a place that everybody feels comfortable with going,

[00:21:53] Jeffrey: Yes, that's very true.

[00:21:54] Rebecca: and then to have a desire, to help people and to create something that is fulfilling for you.

Hopefully like that's the reason that we create our own careers as entrepreneurs. Right. So it's fulfilling fun. and serves a need and helps support us financially.

[00:22:14] Jeffrey: Yes. So often we will leave a prison or a job that we think is a prison to create a business that acts like a job.

[00:22:30] Rebecca: Right, right. I think that's kind of the first step for many entrepreneurs, right? Is we create our own job. And then we start to think about, oh, this isn't feeling as exciting as I wanted it to, or as free as I wanted it to. Now I've gotta leverage my talents. I've gotta leverage my,

[00:22:50] Jeffrey: I just, I just quit a nine to five for a seven to 12.

[00:22:54] Rebecca: Right, right. Like we hear Gary V talk about all the time. He sleeps seven hours a night, like a baby, and then he works the other 17 hours. Right? Like that's a lot of work time, Gary, and that's fine for Gary. That's not fine for Rebecca

[00:23:09] Jeffrey: that works for Gary. Not the rest of us.

[00:23:12] Rebecca: I don't, I don't wanna work that way. I got a million other in.

[00:23:17] Jeffrey: Yeah. Uh,

[00:23:18] Rebecca: have, I wanna create things for people and I wanna create change and positive ripple for people. And I wanna create, find a way to do it that doesn't, uh, spend every last more so of my energy. Right?

[00:23:33] Jeffrey: Yeah. And I, I think it's perfectly valid to, you know, just we're, we're just playing with these ideas, but to say things like, you know, what do you really want? Well, I want Gary V's success without Gary V office hours. You know what I mean? Like to, to say, to be okay, saying this is what I want, but I, I don't want all of those other things that come with that story or.

[00:23:57] Rebecca: Yes. And it, and to not let what, like, I'm not in judgment of Gary.

[00:24:02] Jeffrey: No, no for sure.

[00:24:04] Rebecca: We don't wanna add judgment. We don't wanna add more fear, right? Because judgment is just like resistance. And you know what Steven Pressfield says about resistance in his book, that beautiful book, the war of art, that resistance is the engine of destruction.

Right? So we don't wanna create any resistance where we're in judgment of people, because really well, that means we're in judgment of ourselves. So we want, I wanna let Gary V be so happy creating content and speaking 17 hours a day. He can do that. and I get to have it a different way. And that is the definition of success for me getting to spend time going outside with my dogs in the middle of the day, because I have breaks between calls and that I work just a couple days a week in my business.

And I really work with people. I love like those are points of success for me

[00:24:51] Jeffrey: Yeah.

[00:24:52] Rebecca: and getting to come on and have great conversations with the two of you that these are points of success for me and I in the past. I think people, um, would have seen them as like steps to success, but those are also it's success at the same time.

[00:25:10] Jeffrey: Yes. Yes. And I think that's kind of important to, to touch on is that. You know, success, isn't a destination necessarily, right? There's this whole pathway of living the success. Right. And in every step of the way, when you change your work hours or you've added a sale, or you create a new client or you've regained some of your time or onboarded, that's all successful things.


[00:25:43] Rebecca: right,

[00:25:44] Jeffrey: I, yeah, it's the, the journey, the journey is the success.

[00:25:48] Rebecca: Yeah. And to letting it be how you want it to be. And there's a lot to be said for having your vision and then enjoying the process of becoming the version of you that can have that vision.

[00:26:04] Jeffrey: Mm-hmm

[00:26:06] Rebecca: That's success right there, allowing yourself to grow as a person, to look at those fears and notice where you're taking it, like right to the edge of your comfort zone and a fear pops up and you're like, oh, look at me.

I've gone to this edge that it wasn't here before I found my next, the next edge. Look at how far I've come that I was afraid to say yes, in 2004, and now I'm already over here. I've done all this stuff. I'm speaking publicly. I'm get, I'm talking about all this stuff, this wild stuff that I have, this weird idiosyncratic job.

And like, so I've come so far, right? That now, if I have a fear of something, it's like, look at you, you got to this place. And now that fear is only telling you where you have another story.

[00:26:56] Jeffrey: Yeah.

[00:26:58] Rebecca: that's all fear is. It's just telling us where we have a story. So it's not the enemy. It's just like walking us to the edge of our existence.

And then once we work through that, we get to expand the vision a little bit further. My arms can't stretch as far as that vision keeps going. Right. And that's exciting to me. That's why I love my job so much. And why talking about success is so fun because it just gets to continue if we allow it.

[00:27:28] Katie: Yeah. So I know kind of your vehicle of transformation is hypnosis. I wanna ask a dumb, maybe dumb question, and then I wanna talk a bit about your framework that you use. Dumb question is it's so funny. I've thought of this so many times. I'm like, I never got the answer. Is there a difference between the phrase hypnotherapy and hip?

No. Or I, you know, I'm a hypnotherapist versus a hypnotist. Is there a difference?

[00:27:58] Rebecca: I think it's your comfort level with the word, honestly, and legally, some people can call themselves hypnotist. Some people can't call themselves Hy hypno therapists. Um, every state place has their own rules about it. And I wanted, because well, for me, I have always called myself a hypnotist and that's not right or wrong.

It just is the, what I've called myself. And because I didn't want to soften the magic of HYP. With hypnotherapy. Like, to me, it felt just a little, like I have to say therapy on the end for it to be more acceptable.

[00:28:34] Jeffrey: right.

[00:28:34] Rebecca: And that was just how I felt. So I'm not saying any other hypnotherapist, you're doing it wrong.

I'm not saying that at all. I'm saying you gotta do what's right for you. And for me, I really wanted to stand in the power of this. Kind of weird job, cuz everybody comes to me like, are you gonna make me clock like a chicken? Are you gonna make me give birth to alien babies? You know, like all the stuff that happens on stage.

Right. And um, so my, one of my friend's dads and I have a little Shick when we see each other at a party, I'll, I'll go up to him and I'll say sleep and he'll put his head down down, like we're on stage and , it always gets a good laugh. And, but that's not how I actually work, you know? Um, And I want, I want people to not be afraid of hypnosis.

So I've been very open about calling it hypnosis and not hypnotherapy.

[00:29:23] Jeffrey: Okay.

[00:29:24] Katie: Thank you. Um, I'm always willing to ask the dumb questions for other

[00:29:29] Rebecca: I don't think it was dumb. I thought it was great. Yeah.

[00:29:33] Katie: Um, so I know you've got, you are the creator of a, a method called the whole life happy method of hypnosis. So I would love to hear, how does that differ from other forms of hypnosis?

If somebody's coming to you with a preconceived notion, like you just said, um, how does yours differ? How can you kind of disarm people.

[00:29:53] Jeffrey: and can I add to that?

[00:29:55] Rebecca: Yeah.

[00:29:56] Jeffrey: And, and maybe this is a separate question, or maybe it's part of the same question, but, um, I've always thought myself as somebody who's UN hypnotizable,

[00:30:05] Rebecca: Mmm.

[00:30:06] Jeffrey: do you run into people like that? And how does your framework account for that or.

[00:30:11] Rebecca: Okay. I run into that belief a lot.

[00:30:14] Jeffrey: Yeah.

[00:30:15] Rebecca: Okay. So remind me, because I wanna talk, I wanna talk more in depth about that. Okay. Um, and I'll kind of, maybe I'll answer the question along with the other, the other parts too. Uh, whole life happy to me is about creating a foundation of happiness in your life that you and you are alone are responsible for.

And when I talk about whole life happiness, I'm talking about you are the, uh, central figure in your life. You're the star of the show. You're the, um, common denominator of every thing in your life. So if you are not feeling good at peace, Good enough, whatever the words are for you,

[00:30:58] Jeffrey: mm-hmm

[00:30:58] Rebecca: then the foundation is Rocky.

The foundation is unsettled, right? So everything that we, that I help people with their business, their relationships, their spirituality, their, um, careers, their, their offerings, um, in their cause I work with a lot of entrepreneurs. Um, the way they feel about themselves. They're limiting beliefs around success, old trauma, um, abuse, things like that, all of it.

Um, because I help them come home to themselves and be happier, healthier, stronger, and happier is really your own definition. But that lightness that comes with. I'm finally free of thinking about that old situation. I'm I can finally talk about that situation without crying. I finally feel like I am more myself than ever before.

Those are kinds of the definition of happiness that come. It really is emotional freedom, where you could just feel your emotion and trust that it's not gonna get stuck and take you down. And my method really is. Centered around helping the person heal trauma from the past. Heal experiences, release stories and trapped emotion from the past.

And then we use our own cocktail of experience of, uh, of mechanisms to do that. So we use hypnosis and I use regression hypnosis. So lots of people think when they go to a hypnotist, they close their eyes, they kind of go to sleep and the Heus just tells them to be a better. Right. Just gonna implant a bunch of suggestions.

And when you wake up, you're gonna be amazing and you're gonna feel great, and everything's gonna go your way. And my experience with people is to really give them opportunity to speak their truth. So with me, the client does a lot of talking healing, past experiences, really about speaking the truth of those experiences and then the truth of their.

So we heal the past experiences. We recalibrate their emotions and help them be the version of themselves that they wanna be. Not the one that's been programmed from past experiences.

[00:33:15] Jeffrey: Hmm.

[00:33:17] Rebecca: Spectacular. I love my job so much.

[00:33:21] Katie: Yeah. Sounds it. My. My first question like to that is how long does that last cause sometimes I feel like I've had quote unquote healing sessions and I'm like, yeah. Wow. I feel great. And like the next day, I'm just back to who I was before. And, and they'll say like, you know, you can feel the integration and I'm like, not really.

You know, I feel, I, I feel like I failed it or like

[00:33:45] Rebecca: Oh yeah.

[00:33:46] Katie: said, like, oh, this is doesn't work for me. So how do you help really integrate that? Is it, that has to be ongoing. Like you can't just solve all my problems in a single session.

[00:33:57] Rebecca: No, I don't do that. Um, I don't, I don't ever, I hope you solve your own problems is really what I do. And often I work with people for I'll work with them for. A V I P day, you know, we spend the whole day together releasing and then I'll support them for a month. Or we work together for 12 weeks or a year.

I have one person that I've worked with ongoing for four years now, just helping them through different levels of leadership that they. That they are attaining in their life. And what happens with hypnosis when you speak your truth about an experience in that state of hypnosis, which here's your answer?

Jeffrey is BA is focus and concentration and all this time that you've been telling yourself that you are not hypnotizable you're hypnotized every single day. You hypnotize yourself. I don't hypnotize you, you hypnotize yourself every time you are so focused on something, you know, you're getting down to the nitty gritty with, with the launch and you're in it.

You're, it's like you're practically in the video game, playing the launch, doing the launch and the walls could fall down around you. That is a form of hypnosis.

[00:35:05] Jeffrey: Mm.

[00:35:06] Rebecca: Every time you're scrolling on your phone to escape and something grabs your attention and creates an emotion you're in a state of HYP. It's not this place that you go to.

It's a place that you're stepping in and out of all the time when you're driving, when you're, when you suspend all disbelief, when you're watching a Marvel movie and you allow all that to go everything to go on, you're like, oh my gosh, this is amazing that this is happening. And not one part of you was like, that's not possible in real life. The you're in a state of hypnosis. Right. And. We get to be there. It's not a scary place to be. It's just a, just another wave that we get to step in and out of when you're going to sleep, when you're waking up, you're kind of in that little, uh, fantasy state there that is a form of hypnosis as well. And if anybody tries to hypnotize you, they are not really serving you.

Because my job is to guide you into hypnosis your own self. All hypnosis is self hypnosis. So I guide you through a physical relaxation, which then allows you to deepen a mental relaxation, which is really about focus.

[00:36:23] Jeffrey: How, how closely aligned is meditation with hypnosis?

[00:36:27] Rebecca: They're they're very closely related.

[00:36:29] Jeffrey: Uh, yeah.

[00:36:32] Rebecca: Yeah. They're very closely related and, um, We could have a whole conversation about the value of meditation to not judge your thoughts rather than to empty your mind about thoughts. I'll save that for later, but Katie, I wanted to acknowledge to you. So when we go into this beautiful state of hypnosis, we access the subconscious mind where the stories are running the show, right?

Because when you are trying to heal from your conscious mind, you're making, you're focusing on making the day to day decisions to stay in a certain way of. and then going back to the way that you used to be is because your subconscious mind is the one that runs the show is runs the emotions. So our conscious mind will fight against things.

And we'll be like, I swear on Monday, I'm gonna wake up and I'm gonna be so damn happy and it's gonna be great. And this week is gonna be easier. But the subconscious mind is like, no, we, we don't like. We feel better and safer when things are dramatic, we feel better when there's trouble, because then we're not setting our expectations too high and can fall too far.

You know, that kind of thing, just as an example. But when we do regression in hypnosis, you get your physical body to a neutral place where there is, it's not only neutral, but it's a really loving state of acceptance for the thing that happened, that caused the feeling in your. and so this is not a bandaid.

This is the deep healing that allows true acceptance and acknowledgement and love for who you were when that situation occurred in your life, which is totally different than I'm just gonna think of that time in my life as a stepping stone. And I'm not gonna think about it. And I feel make myself feel grateful for.

Which can work, right? That can work if you push hard enough, right. Hypnosis allows for not pushing, but allowing

[00:38:36] Katie: Mm.

[00:38:38] Rebecca: that's that difference? It's the, I love, I mean, I've been a part of so many different kinds of healing and I think everything has value. And the value of hypnosis is that it changes the programs that you're running rather than having, you have to fight against those programs with your conscious.

[00:38:56] Katie: Consciously. Yeah. Yeah. Oh Rebecca, I just love your being.

[00:39:02] Rebecca: Oh, thank you.

[00:39:03] Katie: really easy to be with. Yeah. Like I'm sitting here, like, should I have a session with her? Let me see what she's doing.

[00:39:08] Jeffrey: Yeah.

[00:39:09] Rebecca: would love that. That's amazing. Thank

[00:39:11] Katie: Yeah, yeah, yeah. I've, I've just enjoyed this conversation and it just, I think brings it, it brings a topic that I think some people have been afraid of or have resisted or, you know, sort of made fun of in their own, you know, way.

Um, you know, even with humor, like your friend's. Right. Um, and, and, and I feel like I'm hoping that this conversation shifted those types of folks into curiosity. Like, could, could this be the thing, because a as a business coach, you know, uh, sales coach strategy, right? I'm in kind of the masculine energy of business, I help you do.

Right. Like, let's get this shit done. Here's here's strategy one strategy two, you know? And, um, and, and I know from personal experience and also from the experience of my clients, sometimes they feel like I'm doing everything you've said, and it's still not working. And that sense of defeat is really what's.

The thread that's behind everything they're doing that energy of defeat is still there. They're still feeling it, you know, and I just don't feel like it's my place or my. Power, if you will, it's not my special power to help people through that, that piece. Right. That, that is a different type of person.

And I think that's somebody like you that can help them understand, like everything is serving you. But again, it's just not the conscious, you know, it's, I'm not, I can tell them to write affirmations and, and all those things work, quote unquote, too. Right. But man, if you can flip a switch in your brain, Things would be a hell of a lot easier

[00:40:54] Rebecca: it is a lot easier. It is a lot easier. I mean, fighting the fog of depression and trying to launch a business.

[00:41:01] Jeffrey: mm-hmm

[00:41:02] Rebecca: Or create new strategies fighting the fog of old shame. Cuz the last thing I tried didn't work this last $50,000 investment. Didn't quite work now here I am trying to make something outta nothing again, who even am I at this point?

Like you as their coach, you deal with the consequences of all that energy and you get to acknowledge, Hey, maybe there's something deeper going on with you that you get to work on.

[00:41:30] Katie: mm-hmm

[00:41:31] Rebecca: And you get to give yourself grace in this process. I think there's just a lot of value in acknowledging you're having that dread.

You're having that, that pain, that this, this is just not working and we get to shift the energy around that. Right. And

[00:41:49] Jeffrey: Yeah,

[00:41:50] Rebecca: you get to direct them. To do that. You don't have to create that, but like when somebody comes to you for coaching of any kind, they're bringing their whole, their whole bag of tricks, like all there are 7 47 full of baggage.

Right. you got, yeah, you kind of have this special thing of waiting through all of that to get to let's do this next thing. How can we get this next thing on the list? Do the strike through and move forward. Right.

[00:42:17] Jeffrey: Yeah.

[00:42:20] Rebecca: Working with humans is such a powerful, beautiful

[00:42:24] Katie: Beautiful. Oh, those two words were just pop. What popped in my head at the exact same time. Yeah.

[00:42:30] Rebecca: We just learn so much from each other, whether we want to or not.

[00:42:34] Katie: Yeah.

[00:42:34] Rebecca: And it reflects, sometimes the mirror game is powerful, you know, or it reflects our own stuff sometimes too. Yeah.

[00:42:42] Jeffrey: well, where, where can, uh, people get ahold of you and dive deeper in your world?

[00:42:47] Rebecca: Uh, they can find [email protected] and, um, I'm around on the social medias of, I am Rebecca Sue is where you can find me. And, uh, yeah, I love to talk about this. So if anybody has a spark of something that they, even, if they, if they, if I'm not the right person, but they have a question I'm happy to entertain that conversation as well.

to help them find the right thing.

[00:43:14] Katie: Awesome. Well, we appreciate your time so much. And you know, may this conversation serve as a way for everyone listening to receive massive abundance, right? Massive wealth release of whatever is holding them back. I, I appreciate so much what you had said about the emotions. There's so many emotions and, you know, I've shown up to some groups, um, probably the most emotional person in the room.

I'm very emotional. and, and, and I

[00:43:44] Jeffrey: I'm not emotional by the way.

[00:43:46] Katie: Yeah, exactly. That's why we work well.

[00:43:48] Rebecca: love it.

[00:43:49] Katie: like up and down open. Jeffrey's just like, dude, , you know, just steady DY steady Eddy. Yeah. Um, and, and so I've shared, you know, my, my depths of, of shame in groups before, and I, and it wasn't really like, well received. And then I kind of learned how to harden my shell and show up with positioning, you know, and never really share my underbelly too much in groups.

I can see like both sides of it and I've experienced both sides of it. And I think like, I really want people to find the middle, right? Like you don't have to be a puddle mess in front of a group of people you barely know, but if you never raise your hand in your group programs or masterminds and say, I am struggling, you know, I am doing everything you said and nothing's working and I'm pissed.

If you can just simply say that and be in a space of people that will allow that or a person that will allow that. To be safe to say, cuz right now it's like, there's shaming around, you know, don't say the negative,

[00:44:54] Rebecca: Oh yeah.

[00:44:56] Katie: on right here in my head every day, all day long. Right. So you have to have a space to say it and process it.

So that's what I think was so valuable about this talk is. We, you have to have a safe space for it, a person who knows how to handle it and, and help you move through it. But if you are somebody that keeps that hardened shell all the time, you know, where I have a business partner where I can say the underbelly stuff to, but most people work by themselves and they can't tell their team that, you know, you can't tell your team I'm broke.

And I don't know if I can afford to pay your bills next, you know, to pay your invoice, you know,

[00:45:33] Rebecca: Right.

[00:45:34] Jeffrey: like, okay. Bye-bye.

[00:45:36] Katie: Yeah, it's really important to process this with somebody. Who's also an entrepreneur who understands the depths of putting yourself out there. And you know, if something doesn't sell, you kind of internalize it as, oh, they don't like me, you know, where if you selling shoes and they don't buy 'em, you don't internalize that.

[00:45:56] Rebecca: It's not my it's just not their style. Yeah.

[00:45:59] Katie: they didn't fit. Right. Like, but for some reason when it's our program, you know, it's like, oh my God, you know, everybody hates me.

[00:46:08] Rebecca: Great. Oh, there's so much,

[00:46:10] Katie: it.

[00:46:11] Rebecca: so much value in everything that you just said. And I think that that. Knowing your audience is important, right? You can show your underbelly to some people and some people it's gonna scare the hell out of, because they're not feeling very vulnerable themselves. Right. They're really scared to be the failure in the group or whatever.

And then there's always some person who is afraid to really shine too. because they don't wanna hurt the feelings of the people. They don't wanna shine too brightly. They don't wanna be too big for their britches. They don't wanna, you know, take away the light from anybody who's struggling. So there's, there's a lot going on and lots of group conversations.

Um, I hosted, um, I have a program called extraordinary wealth and we had a call today and one of our. Members really got vulnerable. And every person who was on the call reacted to the coaching that she got and the vulnerability that she had, how powerful that was. So be in a place where you can do that.

Like you were saying, maybe it's not a networking event with the chamber of commerce, but it is your personal, you know, your personal coach, your hypnotist. That's why I have people work with me for a long time, because they love that safe space to continue the journey. And to have your partner or even your little group that you hang out with of your networking or of your entrepreneur pals,

[00:47:31] Jeffrey: Mm-hmm

[00:47:32] Rebecca: find that safe place to express it.

And then, um, be real with each other about, okay, this is the feeling. And now can we talk about, is this a story? Is this event or is this complaining and what do we get to do next? Like, can you find a resolution? Are you ready to find a resolution? That kind of thing makes those conversations just a little bit more valuable, a little deeper than just a complaining session, right?

[00:48:05] Jeffrey: Yeah. which nobody likes.

[00:48:08] Rebecca: right, right.

[00:48:10] Katie: Awesome. All right. Well, we will make sure to put a link to your book in the show notes, as well as all your social links in your website. And, um, I think you have an opportunity for people to schedule a call with you if

[00:48:22] Rebecca: Yes,

[00:48:23] Katie: yep. So we'll, we'll pop that link in there as well. Um, any final words or

[00:48:30] Rebecca: Mm.

[00:48:30] Katie: you wanna say before we wrap up?

[00:48:32] Rebecca: This has been calling to me like through this whole conversation. Somebody who's listening needs to hear this. I just know it. Abundance is your birthright. Abundance is your birthright. You were not brought into a limitless universe to feel limited

[00:48:49] Jeffrey: amen.

[00:48:50] Rebecca: it's okay. And it's actually safe and beneficial for you to move toward that abundance with open arms and allow yourself to receive it and do what you have to do to clear out all the BS that says you can't have.

[00:49:05] Jeffrey: Mm, amen. I love that.

[00:49:09] Katie: Love that. Thank

[00:49:10] Jeffrey: Love it. Awesome, Rebecca, thank you so much for your time. This has been a great conversation. So thanks. Thanks for showing up like this.

[00:49:18] Rebecca: Thanks. It's been a blast.

[00:49:20] Jeffrey: All right, everybody. If you enjoyed this, uh, podcast episode, um, please leave us a five star review and hit that subscribe button. Uh, so you don't miss out on new content.

Um, and also you can check out all the show notes and how to connect with Rebecca at the launch squad 85. And we'll see you next time.

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About the Show

The Lighten Your Launch Podcast is for Coaches and Course Creators who want a lighter online launch experience. Maybe you’ve done a few launches already, and feel exhausted just thinking about it! Or, it’s been one of your goals, but you don’t know where to start.

Tune in to learn from our team of experts, The Launch Squad, who aren’t afraid to dig into all aspects of launching: sales, strategy, technology, mindset, funnels, and even a bit of woo to get you through the toughest times. Let’s put a stop to perfectionism and procrastination, and finally take your launch from intimidating to money-making!