What does it mean to invite the divine into your everyday life? How can the non-physical work in your business? We’re going to explore that and more in today’s episode!

Jeffrey: Welcome to the light in your launch podcast today, we're talking about what it means to invite your angels into your business. Stay tuned.

Announcer: Hey, we're in the Launch Squad and this is the Light Your Launch podcast. We teach coaches and course creators how to lighten their launches. We're bringing you all of the tips and strategies to take your launch from intimidating to money-making. In this podcast, we talk about everything; the sales, strategy, mindset, technical and spiritual aspects of running your best launch ever. So if you're feeling overwhelmed and unsure of the next right step, we're here to bring clarity, confidence, and excitement into your next launch. This is the Light Your Launch podcast. [inaudible]

Jeffrey: All right. Welcome back to the show. I'm Jeffrey [inaudible] and I'm here with my amazing and lovely wife Alayah Swan. And today we're exploring what it means to connect with your guides and your angels and what that can do for your business. So welcome to the show.

Aleyah: Hello, my lovely and amazing hubby.

Jeffrey: What does it, what does it mean to have angels in your business?

Aleyah: Well, angels like to get all up in your business, that's kind of their job. Um, so I'm an angel intuitive, which means I'm an intuitive who primarily works through, you know, seeing and connecting with my guides and the guides of the people that I work with. And so I guess, since you and I, since you've started your own business, I've, you know, been, we've kind of been doing cross referrals and I've been getting more and more people in my practice that have their own business, more entrepreneurs and have been exploring for the last few years on, you know, what it means to bring, you know, to build that connection with your guides around your business because, you know, um, they really help us with all aspects of our life, of course, not just our business, but.

Jeffrey: how did you get started with this?

Aleyah: With, um, angels in particular?

Aleyah: Well, uh, for me, it was kind of a lifelong interest in interested in, you know, all things, spiritual, all religions, all spiritual philosophies, all kinds of new age stuff. From the time I was a little kid and, um, definitely had angel experiences as a child, but I didn't really have the language for that until I was probably in my early twenties and got my Reiki masters back in the early nineties. And that teacher of mine was the first one who ever, you know, prompted me, you know, said you need to explore this connection, you know, and she was the one teaching me kind of about my guides, the first person to teach me about that. But I definitely had, you know, strange, you know, rescue stories, like a lot of people like you, I know have one as well, but, um, you know, I had this penchant for getting into kind of life or death situations when I was younger, had kind of a lot of drama going on.

Aleyah: And there were several times where I didn't know how I got out of that situation. And, um, one was the first time I really remember thinking, I wonder if that was an angel was when, um, my friend and I were, we lived way out in the country when I was a teenager. And we were driving out in the, you know, just doing what board country kids do just out driving around at night and there's no street lights or anything like that. And we had, um, pulled into turnaround and a rice field and there was big, full irrigation ditches on either side of us. And we ended up rolling the van into the irrigation ditch upside down, and the van was filling up with water it's pitch black. We had no idea what we were going to do. And then my friend calls me from the other end of the van.

Aleyah: I'm starting to panic because I'm feeling water coming in. And he says, you know, Hey, there's a, there's a window. We can climb out of back here. So we did that and we got to safety. And, um, the next morning everyone was like, how did you get out? There's like no way. And all the locks were electrical there. Would've had to have been a window on the bottom of the van, which is because we were upside down. Which of course there wasn't, everything was totally locked tight. You know, nobody knew how we got out. And that was the first time where I thought, huh, something interfered there, you know, and in a way that rescued me from, uh, a dire situation. And that was the first of several times that I was dressing. But, um, anyway, and then I, my first angel, um, practitioner was a woman Beverly when I lived in Austin, Texas, who had died in a car accident and then come back with this really amazing, strong connection to angels and guides and my friends and I all went to her, you know, for years.

Aleyah: And, um, that was working with her was the first time, you know, where I really started calling them in, inviting them into my life. And that just really did change everything. It took a long time of practicing that, you know, getting used to calling them in regularly, every, on a daily basis, it took years, you know, of working on that before it became a regular practice like meditation. Um, but it was completely life-changing for all aspects of my life and the people that I work with, they see it improve their relationships, um, to their spouses, their parents, their kids, to their business. I mean, it just helps brings in help in every way that you can imagine.

Jeffrey: So when we're talking about, um, sometimes that hits people the wrong way, like when we talk about angels, what are we really talking about? And do you have to be religious to, to believe that there are angels or guides or whatever?

Aleyah: Definitely not angels are actually found in one of the only consistencies across all the major religions is that they all have angels present in them in some way, in some form or fashion helpers, helpers, messengers, um, you, you definitely don't have to be religious. They themselves are not religious. They are helpers for all of humanity. So we all have a guardian angel, sometimes one or two, and that we're connected with, from, you know, our entire, through our entire lifetime. Some people who believe in past lives say throughout all of our lifetimes, we have the same guardian. Um, so getting to know this guardian angel is very, um, is a wonderful experience. You know, the first angel you should get to know is your guardian angel. And they are, um, they show up to me as light beings. So when I first started to see angels, I would hear and see sometimes even smell them when I was meditating, which sounds really funny, but they smell really good, but I'm a scent person.

Aleyah: So I get intuitive information through that modality and, um, they would show it to me as lightening. So I'd see color big, um, kind of egg-shaped colors of lights around people. Um, especially if I was doing healing work with people, I would see these lights. And then I would hear audioly, I'll kind of, you know, in my intuitive senses sometimes in my, with my physical senses, but more often in my mind's eye. Cause a lot of times when I'm working, I have my eyes shut. And so it's all kind of going on in my internal senses, but then I would hear get messages, like ask this person about their dad or, you know, ask them about their dreams or, you know, like, I'd get these little messages to ask people, um, things that ended up being kind of the thing that would open their heart or that they would get a deeper healing in that session.

Aleyah: Because I asked that question and I started associating that like, Oh, every time I see these lights and I'm getting these messages and it's helping people every time. And you know, I think for people who are scared because they're taught to, to, um, have a strict dogmatic view of religion and angels, I just say like, you know, if, if, if these beings are helping you every single time, you know, go ahead and, and just explore that it's not a scary, they're not scary. They're not dangerous. There's nothing harmful about them. They're only here to help and you can really see that when you start to work, invite them into your life, that it only brings about positive change. You know, the other forces in the world, of course, there's, you know, all kinds of things that we go through as human beings. And, um, those forces are nodding angelic forces, right? Like when we go through trauma or hard experiences, that's part of our human existence. They help us through that as best they can, they have to respect our free will. So they cannot intervene and they cannot save us from ourselves when we're making bad choices. Sometimes they can nudge us and guide us. And the more you develop that connection, they ha they don't have to hit you over the head quite so hard with, you know, nudges, um, and your life just becomes easier. Right?

Jeffrey: Yeah. I, I think I forgot where I heard it, but, uh, somebody was saying at first God throws pebbles and then cut God throws stones, and then God throws folders. You want to take action before he starts throwing some boulders. Right. Kind of a silly analogy, but that's kind of what I'm hearing.

Aleyah: Yeah, for sure. Oh, and back to like how they show up, you know, they will show up as, um, in a human form as well. So when I'm doing readings for people, I definitely, I see angels primarily as lightnings. And usually they'll take on one major color of light and then there'll be other ribbons of light running through that color. But I also will see kind of human features showing up, you know, in that light as well. That's when I'm working, they've shown up to me in dreams and full on human forms. I've even seen them in, um, you know, materialize in the physical plane and human forms. So they really show up to people in different ways. And I think, you know, for some people it's more comforting to see them as a human being. And so they will kind of use whatever your, they know us really well. And they will show up to us in whatever way will be comforting to us is kind of what I get from it. So, you know, I'm fine with them being light beings. I don't have to have the human features attached to them that doesn't, you know, I'm, I enjoy seeing them as light and they use light to heal all the time. So I think of them in my mind is these pure light beings.

Jeffrey: So let's talk about asking for help, uh, for a second, because you mentioned a lot, like you always talk that they're here to help. They're here to help. And I know that in my business and kind of, you know, before we met, and of course I've grown so much since then to do your credit, uh, but before you and I met, um, I considered myself a rather a spiritual person, but I distinctly remember, I, I didn't use to talk to angels or spirit guides or anything outside of my own brain really. Um, but then when we, uh, got together and started our lives together, um, that really kind of became more of a, uh, of a thing in my consciousness to consciously ask for help. And to, as if I'm speaking to something outside of myself, although it's still internal, I'm asking for help for guidance, for clarity. How so? A couple of things on this, how there's so many, sorry. Uh, how do we ask for things it's so big, it's so big, big topic first. How do we ask for help? And it is, are they, is that their role? Do they ever get tired of helping us?

Aleyah: No, I don't think they get tired of helping us. Um, the best way I can explain it too, is, you know, if you think of God source the divine big, big love that we feel connect, you know, that we all come from or feel connected to, you know, that's, it's kind of prevalent throughout all spiritual philosophies or religions, then angels are the bridge that kind of bridge us between our physical world stuff that we have going on with God, right. Or with the divine. And they're kind of the go-between. So they help sort of translate and their, their name means messenger. And, you know, they help us. And I, I can't begin to explain all the mysteries of the universe. I just know what works, you know, I've come to a few answers of what works in my personal life. And it also seems to help other people in my, you know, my clients as well.

Aleyah: And I, but I would never, I don't know all the answers. Um, but from what I get from them, they tell me that we're all connected and they show me this web of light that, that we're all connected to. And, and they tell me that when one of us makes a decision or takes an action or has a feeling like it really does have a ripple effect, literally everything that we do that we say, you know, it all has this effect of going, you know, effecting the rest of us in some way, especially of course the one, you know, people that are immediately around you, but, but we're for all, if you think of the whole world like that, it's pretty amazing. Right. And so, you know, we have this innate drive to bring goodness, most of us want to do good in the world and bring about positive change and to at least live a peaceful life.

Aleyah: Um, and you know, in our physical world, reality is that the fact is that's, you know, that's a hard thing to do sometimes, right? And so they're here to help us with that and to protect us until it is our time to cross over. So they'll, do you know if we're making really stupid decisions, even like just driving down the road, how many times have you, you know, been like focused on your phone or hopefully not your phone, but whatever, changing the music station, or I had a friend that had an accident eating ice cream once, you know, like all the dumb things we do when we're driving, when we should just be focused on the road. And how many times do you just like look up at the right second and swerve back into your lane, or, you know, that kind of thing there, they can help us. I mean, you also have your own inner wisdom, your higher self that's connected to this bigness as well. Right? So it's, you know, we've got our higher wisdom. We have our angels all trying to help us survive this, this crazy thing called life. Right. And I don't remember what your question is. I told you I was going to go off on a tangent. What are we talking about?

Jeffrey: Do you have a story? It's funny how these stories has come up. Right. I do have a story that relates to that. When you mentioned how you look up at just the right moment. Um, man, I was in high school and I was going to, or some sort of school dance or something. And, uh, I was with a group of friends and we were in two cars. I was, I was ahead. And my other friends were in, uh, behind me. And there was like, uh, like four people in my car and, uh, three or four people in the car behind us. And, um, the driver of the car behind us passed out at the wheel and slumped forward on the steering wheel, pressing his foot fully on the gas and people in my car. We're having fun. We're laughing, listening to music. And I looked up into the rear view mirror at the precise moment that my friends behind me rammed into the back of a, like a car that was just adjacent behind me to see it, to see it jolt and the headlight go out just to alert me, like there's something wrong here.

Jeffrey: Right. And then at full speed, it came right towards the back of my car. And I just had seconds to just swerve off the road and they, you know, zoomed right past and all that kind of stuff. And speaking of angels in the car, I swear my friend, Tara, who was in the other car has some divine influence because the other person was screaming and panicking and she jumped from the back seat to the front seat, took his foot off the gas pedal and put the brake on it, like totally took control and was a champ like amazing. And I know we're getting pretty off topic here, but

Aleyah: I thought you were going to tell the story about when you were little and your mom rolled the car and you felt the light holding you down.

Jeffrey: Well, I was kind of wondering if we can get circle around to that one somehow, but I'll tell that one. Okay.

Aleyah: No, we can tell them when later then I love that story. I didn't know about the other story.

Jeffrey: I know. Well, it just came up, it just came up. I just remembered it. Um, so let's talk for a minute, um, how this kind of stuff works in our business. Like why? And I do have stories for this too. I mean, since meeting you and since our lives are intertwined, like I feel my business has, uh, really shifted X it's expanded. Um, but I, I want to hear kind of your perspective of like actually your perspective of how you helped me shift my business by bringing, bringing in the idea of asking for help, the idea of seeking guidance, the idea of meditating and calming yourself and you know, that kind of stuff. So yeah. How does, how do we use angels in our business?

Aleyah: Well, I want to just talk for a minute too, about just getting into receiving mode because I do think asking angels for help asking God for help, you know, all of that helps put us in a receiving mode where we don't feel like we have to do everything alone. And you know, there's been a message in the works world for, I don't know how long, but you know, it's part of, kind of our, you know, message of, you know, the harder you work, the further you climb and like, you know, people who do everything alone or, um, the, the winners or whatever, like there's, you know what I'm saying? There's just kind of that message that we've a lot of us have grown up with that you have to like just, you know, work yourself to the bone, to like succeed and, or just survive or

Jeffrey: Money is attached to effort. And it's got to be a great effort to earn money.

Aleyah: Yes. Like the effort and, and also something about the hero doing it on his own, right? Like just that sort of thing that we've all kind of been raised with. And really what I get from tuning into angelic energy is quite the opposite that we're not meant to do everything alone and that the more help we have in the more interconnectedness that we have, um, in our lives and in our workspace, you know, the better, right. It doesn't just benefit you. It benefits everyone else that you're working with. It's like when an entrepreneur is trying to run their whole business alone, which I, you know, I saw of course, when you started your own business and I was trying to help you. And, um, but not doing a very good job of helping you where you needed help, which was with accounting, which I'm terrible at.

Aleyah: And, um, that's not your role do not hire me to be your accountant that out. Um, yeah. And just, you know, it took a while before you got to a place where you felt like you could afford to hire, you know, people to help you, right. Like he, he, we all get to that place, but, um, of, of realizing, Oh, you know, once your business starts growing, you're like, Oh my gosh, I have to have help. So at some point you get there, but you're, you're really the message I get from our guides is that they would help us, you know, every step of the way they can't help us by doing the work for us, but they can help by connecting us to the right people that can help by giving us inspiration and ideas. And also a big thing is taking breaks and getting into this receiving mode.

Aleyah: So when you ask for help from them, you're not only inviting in true divine guidance and help. You're also putting yourself into this mode of like, Oh yeah, I don't have to do it all alone. I, you know, like I it's, to me, it's tied to self worth. Like I deserve help. I deserve connection. I deserve support, you know, things like that. I don't, uh, you know, uh, a lot of people are trying to do a lot of things alone when there's people out there it's a gift to allow people to help them or to help you. Yeah. It's a gift to that other person too. And there was a book that I read once that was a fiction story, but they were, um, I always remembered it. I think it was one of those, um, uh, number one lady, detective agency books, but the main character, she she's saying that in like her country, she's like, it's, it's, uh, offensive. Not if you can afford to hire someone to help you with your yard or your home or something, it's like a, is considered offensive not to, because you're taking work away from other people. And I kind of feel like it's like that with our angels too. They're just hanging out, going.

Aleyah: I want to help, like give me stuff to do,

Aleyah: You know, and if we don't ask them for help, it's just like wasting this amazing divine resource that we're all gifted and born with.

Jeffrey: I can imagine there's a lot of bored angels hanging out, just waiting for people to help them out and stuff.

Aleyah: Yeah. Lorna Byrne, the Irish mystic says there's unemployed angels. So you can always put out a call. You can ask your guardian angel for help. You can ask the archangels for help, but you can also put out a call to say, Hey, are there any unemployed angels that want to work on my business with me right now? Come on in,

Jeffrey: Come on. And anyone who knows accounting, anyone,

Aleyah: And the way that they, they would show up, like for accounting isn't to make you a brilliant accountant, it would be to connect you with the perfect person to help you or the perfect book or perfect resource. Like that's how they work. They work in our physical world in a daily way. They can come if we're in life or death situations and do things, you know, save our lives when it's not time for us to go. But in general, they're going to work within our daily, you know, physical world constructs. If that makes sense.

Jeffrey: Abraham Hicks always talks about the past of least resistance or the path of most allowance. And to me, what that kind of, you know, in this context, what that kind of means is that they could inspire us to see something, click on a link, or look out the window, to see a certain image on a bus driving by for an accountant just at the time that you were thinking, Oh, I need some help with accounting. And then, you know what I mean? Like to inspire them to do something, to look somewhere, to take some action, to have a conversation that eventually leads to the answer, right? It's not like they're going to just going to your doorbell is going to ring, but who knows, maybe they can do that too. Right?

Aleyah: Yeah. Sometimes it crazy or things have happened, but they feel like in through, nature's a way that they talk to me a lot. Just, you know, like if I see a hummingbird in the morning, I'm so happy that lifts my energy and brings me joy. And I feel like that's kind of the role of our angels too, is just to lift us up and bring us joy. And, you know, so sometimes they speak to us through little things like that, or seemingly little things that actually add up to life-changing things. Right?

Jeffrey: Yes. So good. I love that. And I love that we have so many bird feeders. They do, and they just seem so joyful. Um, so what can somebody expect when they're working with you? You're obviously kind of that, that person, the entity, some sort of guide that's here to kind of help us. W well, let me just ask you, like, what's your role in this connecting with the divine and, and guidance system? What is your role in that?

Aleyah: Um, well, when I first start working with someone, we're kind of just getting to know each other. I'm looking at someone's energy with my mind's eye. And I, you know, before he started working with angels, I was doing Reiki and then also had two teachers that were, um, Barbara Brennan school graduates. So learning a lot about the energy field. And, um, so I, when I look at someone's energy, I'm seeing, uh, like chords to, you know, past events or ancestors and scanning their energy for blocks for, um, openings, you know, also looking for gifts and, um, just kind of reading the energy, seeing if you're skewed to the right or to the left, which kind of shows me if you're more in the doing mode or, or, um, or being receiving mode. And you just reading things like that. And then I'm also looking around you to see if you, what ancestry, if you have any deceased, loved ones around you, your guardian angel around you.

Aleyah: And if you have any Archangel energy, you know, present with you and sometimes animals show up like animal guides or, um, you know, even pets from the past show up some times if that person is into a particular religion or spiritual school of thought, sometimes I'll see guides around them that pertain to that particular thing. Like if someone's Hindu, I might see a Hindu guide with them as well as their guardian angel energy light beings around them. So, you know, it really varies person to person, but usually just getting people connected with their support system helps them in so many different ways. Right. Just knowing that they're there giving them a visual, sometimes their names come through. Although a lot of times I encourage people to get their own, to seek their guardian angels named themselves, just because it's kind of a special relationship. Um, but you can absolutely get their names and just start developing that friendship. I always call them, you know, that say that there are BFS on the other. That's really what they are.

Jeffrey: I love that.

Aleyah: Yeah. And so in our sessions, we clear energy, remove blocks. A lot of times I'm just literally holding that space for people and kind of relaying the messages that their guides are giving me, rather than it. I don't feel like I do a lot other than hold the space, relay what I'm seeing and what I'm hearing and their guides are doing all this light work and energy work and giving the messages, you know, I'm just kind of the go-between

Jeffrey: Can our grads predict the future

Aleyah: Sometimes. Absolutely. It did. You know, uh, guys are very one of the things about them as if they respect our free will and part of the physical world, as I understand it is that we all have free will. So predicting the future is kind of, um, dicey. When you think about that, it depends on what everyone is choosing, right? If you think of something like that, I do think sometimes there's bigger events that are, you know, world events and things like that, that they will definitely warn us about or give us clues to, you know, the fact that they're coming. Um, like when we were in the wildfire, for instance, you know, I was having dreams about that for weeks and kind of having little nudges to pack our, get our stuff packed. I did not listen to that, but, um, a good reminder to listen to those messages, you know, but things like that, they will try to help us.

Aleyah: And then listening is a whole nother story. But, um, you know, I think that certain things are predictable and certain things aren't, it's not the future is not a black, white thing. I think, you know, I'm not, if I don't consider myself a fortune teller, really, I like to work in the moment with what's coming up in the present or healing the past. And then, you know, I will get messages from people's guides, you know, like tell them that in October, you know, that's when something frees up for them or, you know, they'll give me little clues like that, but they really support us if we already, if we knew everything that was coming, what would be the point, right? Like what would even be the point of doing this stuff of living this life? So, you know, part of the, the, the game of our physical world life is to, to get good at using our freewill to get good at making healthy choices for ourselves and our lives and, you know, and they want to support our growth. So they're not going to just do everything for us. I don't even know if they can, but there that, that's definitely not the role that

Jeffrey: You, you mentioned like how important it is and how hard it is to like really listen to those. But I think it's like, as humans, we want to rationalize, justify, you know, figure out what the logic behind it is. And I think for, for me personally, that's kind of a hard thing to just listen to that gut, your gut says to do this well, that doesn't make sense. Why would I do that? And, you know, like, Hmm, that's not very rational or that's not logical, or, you know, I think we, we tend to want to rationalize, or I don't know what the,

Aleyah: We have a mind as well as a soul. Yeah. Well, you're, you're speaking to the fact that we're multifaceted, right? We have a soul that is, you know, our ultimate ultimate part of ourselves. Right. But then in the physical world, we also have our wonderful minds, which are also terrible. Sometimes they're wonderful and terrible. We need them, we have, you know, are all of the different aspects of our personalities. Um, you know, and it kind of depends. Who's driving that day, if we're good at listening. Right. I mean, I meditate, I connect with my guides on a daily basis, but it's like, I still have resistance. I still have a personality. I still have an ego. You know, none of that stuff has gone. It's just that it doesn't drive my life the way maybe it did 25, 30 years ago. Right. Or even 10 years ago, like I said, it's a progressive something to work on, but I don't know that I'll ever not have those aspects of myself or that any of us. I mean, I guess I can't speak for everyone else, you know, but I, I just want people to know that it's okay to be human and it's okay to have all those aspects of yourself and to not be perfect in every moment and to not be able to listen to our guidance. And every moment that's pretty normal and pretty human and we just strive to be better, but not to be perfect. Right. Or that's my goal. Anyway,

Jeffrey: I love your analogy about the minivan who's driving. Could you share that with us?

Aleyah: Oh yeah. It's kinda my mom minivan, since I'm a mom of teenagers. I always think in those terms, but I share this with my clients a lot. If you just think of who's driving the van, like let's say mom is higher self for your divinely connected self. And so in an ideal day, that's, who's driving the van and then you've got your shadow selves, or your mind Digger, your like inner pain bodies or whatever, just as, um, I see mine as like teenagers and kids can have buckled up in car seats and hanging out in the back seats. And sometimes, you know, one of them might grab the keys and run away with the van on a certain day and that's okay. You know, like I love, I love all those aspects of myself and I really encourage other people to love those aspects of themselves too. And if you think of them, well, if you're a mom and you can think of them as like kids in the backseat, then it makes you feel sort of a feeling of affection for them. And to have some compassion for those aspects of ourselves that maybe we wish wouldn't have stolen the van that day, but That there's

Aleyah: Nothing really wrong with them. They're just doing their job and doing what they know. Right. But the more you use your spiritual tools, like connecting with your guides and angels and meditation and allowing yourself to receive help, and, you know, all of whatever spiritual tools, you know, are guiding your life, those help keep us more centered. And with our higher self sort of driving our life forward, right.

Jeffrey: It's an easy, easier way to forgive ourselves to be nicer to ourselves, to be friendly to ourselves. Right.

Aleyah: Hmm. Yeah, for sure.

Jeffrey: Can the rest of us connect with our own guides? Like, do we need somebody like you to do it for us? Or, or is this something we all have access to?

Aleyah: I think we all have access to it without a doubt, and anyone can develop those, um, you know, skills, or I want to say psychic or intuitive skills, but really, you know, I have friends who are not into connecting with guys and angels, but who connect in their own way. But if you, you know, I always tell people it's, if you feel drawn to it as a practice, and it's something that sort of calls you and nudges you and says, you know, makes you feel kind of excited to at the thought of it, then go for it. Right. Because I think it's really helpful. Um, it only brings about good, good things and good changes in your life. And I think that we all have our guides, whether or not we're aware of them or not, and anyone can develop the skills just by starting to ask.

Aleyah: That's what I did. I just invited, you know, once I teachers that I respected were bringing it up to me repetitively, um, it just made me start asking. So I remember just having prayers where I would just say, you know, I don't really know what you are or like what you look like yet, or you know, what your name is, but I invite you in to guide my life and to help me make good decisions and, you know, whatever help you can give, like I'm open to it. It just started inviting the men and told my angels that I just wanted a relationship with them. So that started a lot of synchronicities, a lot of improvements, a lot of, um, joyful, wonderful, small things, small miracles and big miracles. And that kicked off a whole slew slew of things, including you completing meeting you,

Jeffrey: There was so much divine intervention around our meeting. Yeah,

Aleyah: It's true. But yeah, I, I, I love holding that space for people and I'm happy to do it, but my ultimate goal as a healer is to connect people in a way that, and to clear enough stuff out of the way so that people can do it themselves, for sure. But I don't think there's anything wrong with asking for help with that either.

Jeffrey: So on that note, is there a particular mindset somebody would need to get value from, from a session from you? Like what do, what, what needs to be in place really,

Aleyah: Really just an openness and a willingness. I don't, you don't have to be good at a yet. You don't have to be happy that day. You know, people come with grief, people come with, um, just wanting to learn about connecting with their guys. People come with frustrations and overwhelm and really, you know, if you're just open to healing, open to, you know, connecting, that's all you really need.

Jeffrey: Awesome. Well, let's wrap this up and, uh, tell people where they can get ahold of you. How can they dive deeper into your world?

Aleyah: Yes, well, right now, um, the best way is on my website, which is a swan.com. Awesome. Where they can schedule, schedule a session. If they're wanting to connect with her guys or just clear some energy.

Jeffrey: Hmm. There's so much here. We, we haven't talked about yet, but, uh, we've got many more episodes coming. Uh, we can dive deeper much, much, much, much deeper into all of this. Um, but I'd like to thank everyone for joining us today. If you enjoyed this episode, please leave a five-star review and hit that subscribe button. You can check out the show notes here at the launch squad, lab.com, episode 11. I will see you all next time. Thanks for listening.

Aleyah: Hi everyone. Thanks for having me. Hey, thanks for listening. If you'd like to have clarity, confidence, and excitement around your next launch, join us in the line, your launch Facebook group [email protected] forward slash Facebook. We also invite you to download our free gifts, the light near lunch starter kit, the free guide to creating an irresistible offer pricing it right overcoming tech barriers and tapping into the energy you need for success. Get it now at the launch spot, lab.com forward slash freegift [inaudible].

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About the Show

The Lighten Your Launch Podcast is for Coaches and Course Creators who want a lighter online launch experience. Maybe you’ve done a few launches already, and feel exhausted just thinking about it! Or, it’s been one of your goals, but you don’t know where to start.

Tune in to learn from our team of experts, The Launch Squad, who aren’t afraid to dig into all aspects of launching: sales, strategy, technology, mindset, funnels, and even a bit of woo to get you through the toughest times. Let’s put a stop to perfectionism and procrastination, and finally take your launch from intimidating to money-making!